Friends you can do without!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
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I find it really hard when so called friends dont understand what your going through! A friend has been txting a few days asking how i was i felt calm enough to reply doing ok but a bit sore from procedure! the replys i got from her were to make my blood boil with fury! ...." why are you sore?" "i had D&C and was back to work next day" (this is her thats had 2 abortions!)." sara what are you making the big deal about it was only the size of a pea!" "it was only cleaning your womb out!" ...well my replys..."who made you the expert" "and good for you" and eventually "F**K OFF" and the reply i got was "stop being so childish" well i think thats the end of a so called friendship....who needs friends when you have enemys like that!!!!!
Sorry for the rant it, it just makes me so mad!!!
Love to you all xx
biatch :evil:

:evil: you're right - better off without her - immature selfish cow
cant believe her, like you say hun you are so much more better off with out people like that in your life,

hope your ok though :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG! What a cow! She had no right to say these things to you! Different people cope with things different ways, I tell you I couldsent go back to work the next day, maybe some people could, but for me I know I wasent physically or mentally ready, I have had a bereavement, I may never have met my baby...but yeah I lost alot!

You really dont need people around you like that hun :hug:
well im very pleased for her that she felt well enough to go back to work. im also very pleased for you that you were strong enough to tell her to fuck off.

Everyone is different. Physically, I could have went back a few days after but mentally, no. I was too near to tears so I took my time of and went back stronger and ready to face things and people.

Sure it was only the size of a pea but it was YOUR pea and you loved it :hug:
Thats definately not a friend.
Thank you all, im definatley better of without her, when something like this happens you find out who your real freinds are. Im not normally the kind of person to tell someone where to go but im very pleased with myself that i told her where to go!!! xx And i will miss my pea very much xx
I totally understand how you feel, and I'm so glad you told her to F*** off! What a bitch, how could anyone be so cruel! :hug:
She deserved more than a f**k off! No way I could have gone back to work after my scan on wednesday and had two days off, I wasn't ready emotionally although I was physically ok!

Just because she's got no heart doesn't mean you're as empty as she is! You're definitely better without her in your life! :hug: :hug:
i know what you mean loss was almost 7 months ago and from time to time i do get very upset again adn i keep getting told by family (cousins mainly) i should be over it by now, i wasnt that far on and these things happen. one cousin esp is bad for it....shes preg now herself, but it took her a long time to fall on with both her children. i was saying its 5 months of TTC now...she said yeah well it takes time and you wont get seen for 2 years by doc etc to which i said, oh i was told it was one....maybe its to do with the m/c or something but who knows. I got told to 'get over myself' m/c happen all the time 1 in 4 so its not soething your just going through etc. She has never had a loss herself!!1

sorry for that rant!!!
You definatly dont need friends like that. i didnt have to have a d&c and it was hard for me so it must be hard even mroe for you xxx take cre
What an inconsiderate woman ! She obviously doesnt differentiate between loosing a child, and aborting a child, just because she could carry on as normal, doesnt mean anyone else can, or even should for that matter. Take your time lovely, and definaltey stick to p*ss off where that friends concerned ! All the best hun x
I've only just come across this and find what she's texted very impolite and doesn't even consider your feelings. To be honest, I wouldn't bother with a friend like her. Besides, with friends like her who needs enemies.
Thats a friend you dont need and you will be far better off without her, it will prob be hard, but she is no real friend :evil:
With friends like that who needs enemies?

Im sorry but friends should be there to support you and pick you up and make you feel good about yourself no matter how shitty you feel!

I personally would cut her off, her tactless comments were completly uncalled for!

Im not too sure when your procedure was but please take time out to heal physically and mentally you need rest and support of ppl around you who care...

:hug: Much love :hug:

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