Friends/Online Friends Etc

I think the friends I have made online are great and would love to meet them though some I know I never will! (In america and canada) I dont feel any different towards them as I would to the friends i see and speak to in flesh! lol Sounds good ;)
With Facebook there are definitely people who just add people to look good with lots of friends lol my sister being one! If she said Hello to you once she will find and add you lol she is a Facebook stalker :rotfl:
I know and speak to most of my FB friends but I dont know or speak to everyone I added from here! :( I added everyone as they asked to be added kwim? I hope to get to speak to everyone and I think FB can help in ways as if you read a status you can comment or message etc! Though I tend to use FB to catch up with old friends who I aint seen for a while etc!
I have my real life friends who I see often and love to bits but I have also made some fantastic mates through here, and I know we will be mates for a very long time. we make an effort to see eachother at least once or twice a year. There are a few people on PF that I have "known" for a few years but ever met, such as LucyBee, Ruby'smum, Valentine, Melanie but I am trying my best to stalk them :)
1sttimemum said:
I met my boyfriend online. :dance:

Ive met some fantastic people online.
Id love to pop round to Sarahs, Suzies and Beckys for a cuppa, i went through my pregnancy with these girls and feel a nice bond with them for that among other reasons.

:hug: :hug: :hug: aww you is my mate and i wuvvv you :hug: :hug: :hug:

Id love to pop round for a cuppa and wish we lived closer to eachother
Joanne Becky and Suzie our my tri 2 and 3 buddies and text buddies and i love them dearly weve been through a lot together and they mean the world to me
i can safely say ther the best mate ive ever had ive never shared as much of bonded as well with anyone as much as i have with theses girls.

I also love sarahlj , Fuffins (sophie) and Tracey
Tracey and i live in Kent were meeting up on saturday and i cant wait to see her agian :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
And so many others on here our wonderful and wish i lived closer to Fran and Flossy to name only 2 of many :hug:
I only add people id like to chat with and get to know better and those who request me
I cant get to send messages to everyone on fb all the time but i NEVER ignore someone who has contacted me and i ALWAYS reply
Out of the 60 odd friends ive got only 5 are not from PF
Ones my sister and the other and another is my cousin so you see PF friends are my friends 8)
And ive never had such kind, caring, sweet, considerarte ,thoughtful and fun girls in my life
love you all :hug: :hug: :hug:

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