Friendly Faces

heres a pic of me and my partner taken the other day :D

Heres a few pics of me & daniel...



Dunno why I look so serious ha ha...

awww there such great pics, everytime I go to take a pic of the OH and me I always end up choping his head off :? opsy (its coz its way to big and full of hot air :wink: lol)
Kirsty you look a bit like the girl of two pints of lager, I cant remember her name, the blonde one xx
Lauz_1601 said:
Kirsty you look a bit like the girl of two pints of lager, I cant remember her name, the blonde one xx

JANET! i thought the same thing!!! :lol:
oooooo i want to put a piccy on but i dont know how to, my oh is watching the bloody world cup.xxxxxxx
Heres a very old pic of me and Jarrod in India....

And one of me before Isaac made me fat

Lou :)
I dont think you could ever be fat lou, your so skinny (jealous)
Love the long hair, is it real?
bless you! Yeah my hair is real. It was down to my bum for years but I chopped it off so now its growing back again. As for me being skinny I was about 7 stone in the big I am 9 and a half stone. Big diference for me :( When I was in India I was about 6 stone because I wouldn't eat anything other than toast and eggs!

I'm happy now though. I'll just never wear crop tops again ;) (they are all stuffed under my bed just incase I wake up skinny one day)
:o 9 stone isnt fat! - cow rubbing it in lol (only joking)
Im about 12 stone now, but blaming it on being pregnant hehe
lol sorry I just meant that 9 stones feels big to me because I was so skinny for so long. Trust me being skinny isn't all its made out to be. I had to have medicine from the doctors to fatten me up and I nearly ended up in hospital. (I didn't have an eating disorder, I was just very thin).

Jarrod says my body is womanly now :)
here here to womanly curves! I have them now! I actually prefer having a bit of meat on me than before :-)
Lauz_1601 said:
here here to womanly curves! I have them now! I actually prefer having a bit of meat on me than before :-)

Definately! Although my boobs could do with a lift ;)
haha yeh mine too, they just seem to dangle there now :oops:
we've gone a bit off topic here...again!

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