Free Dental Care


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Well of course we all know us lucky ladies are entitled to free dental care, up until the baby is one year old, but was being a bit cheeky and wondering does anyone know if it extends to cosmetic dental care, such as whitening? Is worth a try.... lol
lol i was wondering the same actually, a friend of mine has just had a new pair of retainers for £70 and she uses an NHS dentist, was gonna see if i can get some for my bottom teeth as theyve gone a bit wonky since ive had braces lol! x
I think you could get retainers cheaper Lexi. Not sure about whitening although I've read you're nit allowed whitening while pregnant. Do we get the free dental care for a year after baby is born? My teeth are horrible :( need to get them all sorted once baby is here.

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Yeah u get free dental care for a year after due date...u get all necessary Nhs treatment free but I don't think whitening is classed as 'necessary' lol.

I ashamedly hadn't been to a dentist for approx 11 years til I fell pg this time (mainly cos of lack of Nhs surgeries in my area) but a clinic about 15 miles away just had an extension and took on a load of nee patients and the dentist has been really good wiv me...been havon cleans every 3 months cos of bleedin gums and she even booked me in for 2 weeks b4 baby is due for an extra clean :D

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