Found my diary, birth of my son


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Blimey, the memories it brought back!

Scan at 21 wks showed my placenta was low, had another/xtra scan at 29 wks and then another at 35 wks which showed it had moved up with growth and i could have a normal delivery.

Nose bleeds, headaches, sad,angry wow!

Pain at 37 wks, growth scan at 38 wks, blimey, i don't remember all these scans though!

Awwww 22nd August, i wrote ' I think Sam's trying,we'll see, not as frightened as i thought i'd be,it's going to be ok' lol.

23rd pains.

24th only slept 1am til 7am

30th pains and i need sleep :rotfl:

31st i must have been pissed off cause i didn't bother going to Anti-natal :D

1st Sept, backache and can't eat.

3rd Sept,slept(yeh right) on couch,can't get to sleep,Sam dropped/engaged.

4th Sept another scan! Large show, contractions on and off,midwife says i have to go to anti-natal on 6th to see how they are.

5th Sept Labour pains, Midnight til 4.30, 6.30- 8.00, 8.30 here there and everywhere, waters broke at 12.50pm,just as i was trying to sleep! And bingo contractions every 2 minutes, Sam was born at 3.11 pm., home for 10.15 pm, no stitches :rotfl:

What a few weeks that was :sleep:
Oh how lovely to read back I bet wasn't it.

I found my sons Winnie the Pooh record book today and have been reading that. The dates of his first 12 teeth, first time he crawled, ate solids etc, so lovely to keep aren't they. :)
that's nice to look back, that's why I'm doing one with this pg :D

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