found a way 2 stop crying! (accidentally!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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blow in babys face!

last nite we went out in the car n my boyf forgot something so we were waiting in the car, millie was crying even tho she'd just been fed n changed. i felt a bit hot myself so i thought maybe she's crying coz she's too hot? so, i blew in her face to cool her down- she stopped crying! after a few seconds she started again so just to test if it was the blowing that stopped her i did it again, and she stopped- this time for good! she quietly dozed for the whole car journey then!

hehe its not mean to blow on them is it coz i thought i might do it in future when nothing else works!
Brody loves it when we blow in his face! I can't remember how we found out :oops:

He gives a little gasp then laughs every time! :lol:
I was told to do that in hosp to help wake him up to feed...nice when you find these things out..D loves having his face stroked
whenever dan crys for no obvious reason I always turn on my hair dryer and he instantly stops!
vaccuum cleaner whirring makes Libby calm (not the past 2 days though but I think she's poorly) she loves having her face stroked too :D
i blow in alices face when she throws a tantrum and holds her breath when she cries.

then she laughs and we end up with a smily happy girl again. :lol:

don't babies make you smile!
Glad you found something Millie likes that helps stop her crying trixipaws :hug:

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