cant stop crying - baby and me!! :(:(

CoreysMummy said:
You dont cope. You join us in the PND thread hun.

Sorry to sound morbid. God I hope that the Dr can help you out...!

I dont know where to find it :(

Thanks also sherlock and becs for great replies. I will try the advice that you have given me with holding Dylan upright and winding ect. Could colic last all day like this though? He started crying at 7am its now 11pm and not much change but i thought colic was a night time thing? but like i said before he doesnt appear to be that distressed or in pain it sounds like an attention seeking cry but i suppose it cant just be that because no amount of attention or fuss cheers him up. i just dont know. i will ring HV tomorrow but by the sound of it theres no quick fix :(
by this time of night normally he slowly starts winding down but no sign of that at all. im dreading even attempting going to bed, i think il be lucky if my head even touches a pillow all night :(
I think your probably right that its something like wind/colic/tummy ache maybe. my instincts are telling me its nothing serious if he looked to be in agony then id have gone to A&E by now. i think its just one of those minor, common problems that are still awfull but more mentally distressing for us both rather than anything else. Im praying hes feeling better tomorrow. my poor little feller :cry:
Yes colic can last all day. Its not just an evening thing. It often seems to occur in evenings but can happen anytime and last.

And his cry is not an attention seeking cry. He's too young to have any concept of that. His crying is for a reason. Be it wanted a cuddle, being hungry, having wind, there is a reason.

Young babies often have timmy problems like wind/colic etc as their guts don't mature until around 12 weeks (which is when colic generally stops). Until then colic can be an ongoing problem that can occur anytime.

Give Infacol and continue to give it before every feed. Don't withdraw it if he seems to improve, it needs to be given to continue to work. If Infacol doesn't help, and bear in mind it can take a few days to kick in, then try Dentinox. But Infacol is generally a good thing and does wonders.
I was going to type out basically what Sherlock already has!
If you cant get up the wind, just keep going until you do! Use infacol or gripe water or whatever you find best and do all the things Sherlock already said!!

I really hope he settles for you soon hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dylan is a different baby today. He is back to normal thank god! he settled down a bit about 1am and then fell asleep half an hour later. he then woke every 2 hours to be fed so think his growth spurt may have passed :D after each feed he went straight back to sleep. We got up at 10am :cheer:
He was a perfect model baby last night. he has never slept that well. i think he wore himself out yesterday as between 7am and 11pm he had 2 short naps totalling 50 minutes. hes only 5 weeks old i dont know how he was lasting on that little so i think the over tiredness played a huge part in the crying. hes had loads of sleep today. hoping whatever was wrong yesterday is now out of his system
i will take the advice of you all and try and prevent another horrendous day like yesterday.
A heartfelt thank you to you all not only for your advice, but for your support as well. i needed it yesterday, just knowing people were there for me made a difference because i really didnt think i could get through it seeing mylittle boy distressed and im his mum but couldnt comfort him :cry: . All is better now though :)
Thank you :hug:
Im so glad everything is better now hun! Its so hard when they cry all the time and you dont know what is wrong! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun i so know how you feel.. it can be so hard when they just keep on crying and you have no idea why. I'm glad its all sorted out now though.

Just a couple of things i've figured out recently is that by jigging Ollie around when he was screaming i was actually making things worse as he was overtired and i was keeping him awake. Im now looking for the signs that hes tired (yawning etc) pop him down in his cot and he then drifts off. It may work for your LO.

Oh and also, i was told colic can be all day long so it may be that!

Make sure you keep posting when things get hard.. We are all here for you and DO understand!

Claire x

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