Fortnight from hell


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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And that is an understatement!!!

I was taken into hospital 2 weeks ago with hyperemesis (couldn't even keep water down) and very high ketone levels. I had this with my last pregnancy and just expected to be put on a drip, given anti sickness tablets and sent home, but oooh no!!! Firstly, they put me on all the anti sickness medication safe during pregnancy but could not stop me from being sick. Eventually the consultant decided that i had to go on steroids to stop the sickness as i was getting dangerously malnourished. So, i'm in hopsital constantly being sick and just when i think i can't feel any worse i have an extremely rare and very dangerous reaction to the whole class of anti sickness drugs they had me on, which took a week to ware off, (apparently i now have to wear a medical warning bracelet). I'm now out of hospital, 1 stone lighter and have been made fully aware that i will probably end up back in again on a drip.

sorry for going on girls but i'm feelig pretty sorry for myself at the moment not least because my bum is killing me with all the injections!! Worked out that i had about 55!!). :( :( :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: What a rough time you've had :hug: :hug: Hope it gets easier from now on, do you feel better as your pregnancy goes on?
Aww Bless, sounds horrid. I hope it clears up for you soon. That must have been pretty traumatic for you especially with all the other symptoms too. I guess it means the little one just wants to make his/her presence felt and is feeling a bit lonely down there.
:hug: Oh sweety! (((hug)) I'm chucking up every meal time but I'm keeping water down. I really feel for you honey! XX
Oh you poor thing and with a young toddler too! Did you have someone to take her up to visit you each day?

I really hope you feel much better soon.

Valentine Xxx
My goodness how awful. That really puts my sickness into perspective. You poor thing, i can't imagine how horrible it all must be, I hope you are on the mend soon :hug:
Oh sweetie, what a nightmare :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Hope you're feeling a bit more human now.

Take good care of yourself xx
awww poor you, sounds horrendous! hope ur feeling better soon x x x

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