Forgot I was pregnant..


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I swear I must've forgotten exactly how pregnant I am today.
I cut all the grass (after picking up dog mess YUCK!) , cleared all the weeds from the path, blew up the paddling pool, ran around the garden with Eva, walked the dogs and made lunch.
Then I cleaned the whole kitchen top to bottom. Everything out the cupboards, cupboards cleaned and back in, everything wiped down etc then got the carpet steamer out and cleaned the carpet. Oh and a little tip, steam and this heat = not good!
So far tonight I have cleaned all Eva's toys with dettol and put them away, hoovered then cleaned my couches with dettol, scrubbed the dining table and chairs and hoovered and mopped the floor.

It's only now I've sat down for a quick cuppa that I realise I've completely over done it. Eva still needs bathed and I have a tonne of ironing to do but my pelvis seems to have frozen and my back is refusing to let me get back up :lol:
Oh well, needs must. Up early tomorrow for growth scan :dance:
Sounds like nesting!!!! X x x I've been really into tidying and cleaning and washing and ironing lately but I know mines not nesting (yet) x x
I think it's deffo nesting. Even as I sit here I'm thinking of ways to wash my dogs. I'm guessing me lifting them in and out the bath would be a bad plan :lol:

It feels like an uncontrollable need to make everything clean but it isn't seeming clean enough!!!
NESTING!!!! I used to way over do it to, but i lived to regret it after the labour so take it easy chick :) xx
Wow, supermum - impressive that you did all of that and still want to do more!!! :)
oooh looks like you'll be on labour watch soon with that amount of nesting!!! Rest up now and enjoy another energy boost tomorrow xx Why have you got a growth scan - sorry if being nosey! Hope it goes well x
Yay nesting! I can't wait to start nesting! My house is a tip atm and it takes to much energy to tidy lol
Good grief you're superwoman!!! So far Ive watered the lawn (still seeds) taken a load off the line, out a fresh load out and sorted another loadinto the machine. I need to sit down for an hour now!!! I'd love to sort out the kitchen, its a state and Ive got to bake cakes today for a cake stall at a regatta tomorrow.
oooh looks like you'll be on labour watch soon with that amount of nesting!!! Rest up now and enjoy another energy boost tomorrow xx Why have you got a growth scan - sorry if being nosey! Hope it goes well x

I'm getting my growth scan's because I had pre eclampsia last time and apparantly one of the big signs its about to happen again would be hius growth tailing off. Just about to do another post about the scan :)

Last night after I posted I bathed Eva and got her to bed then cleaned whole bathroom :lol: I really have paid for it today though. Had to do Asda shopping and I waddled rather painfully like a big giant penguin the whole way round! Still managed to fill Eva's new paddling pool with buckets when we got home tho :dance:
WOW Superwomen!!!!!! Can you send me some energy please....
Wow supermummy!!! i hope i get this nesting thingy cause my house is the pits atm lol
I'll have some of that energy too please hehe x

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