And its working! I feel sick all day every day at the moment, I know that its worse when i have nothing on my stomach so I'm force feeding myself. Its horrendous to do because swallowing food when your body wants to be sick is not nice, but its only bloody working!!!
I've only been sick once so far (touch wood)
. Also I'm stopping myself from vomiting when i start to wretch.
So, anyone suffering with morning sickness should def try this, it may not work for you but its worth a try!!
And its working! I feel sick all day every day at the moment, I know that its worse when i have nothing on my stomach so I'm force feeding myself. Its horrendous to do because swallowing food when your body wants to be sick is not nice, but its only bloody working!!!

So, anyone suffering with morning sickness should def try this, it may not work for you but its worth a try!!