Force Feeding...


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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And its working! I feel sick all day every day at the moment, I know that its worse when i have nothing on my stomach so I'm force feeding myself. Its horrendous to do because swallowing food when your body wants to be sick is not nice, but its only bloody working!!! :cheer: I've only been sick once so far (touch wood) :pray: . Also I'm stopping myself from vomiting when i start to wretch.

So, anyone suffering with morning sickness should def try this, it may not work for you but its worth a try!!
yes I've noticed I feel sickest when I have an empty stomach too, so I've been trying to keep eating. It's playing havoc on my weight lol
I've felt less sick the last few days so hopefully it is easing off now - but I had to do the same thing to start with, otherwise I wouldnt have eaten anything at all!!!!

You really do feel worse with nothing in your tummy
I will try this. I really don't feel like anything but this can't carry on or it will finish me off :lol:

Yep isn't it horrible. I had tea and ginger nut biscuits today and feeling better for it. But would rather lie in bed and not eat at all. Hope you are feeling better hun ! xxx
Hey girlies,

Sorry to crash but thought id pass on a little advice...

When i was in tri 1, although I was never actually sick (stomach of steel :rotfl: ) I used to always feel rotten and literally went through about 20 packs of ginger biscuits BUT my midwife told me to buy travel sickness bands that put pressure on the pressure points in your wrists.

They really worked for me... dnt no if its something worth trying lol.

Hope you all start feeling better soon xx

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