For Vegetarian Mothers


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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I am a vegetarian and when I asked the midwife whether this would be a problem she didn't seem the slightest bit worried.

Anyway, although I don't eat meat or fish I am not one of those people who won't cook meat. I just choose not to eat it myself for the sake of the animals.

So, my husband is a meat eater and I am a veggie and so I just wanted to ask those in my situation about what they are going to feed their childern?

I do believe being a veggie is a choice that you should make yourself and do not wish to force anyone to be one. Therefore do I feed my child meat? My thoughts are that I will do what I think is best for the health of the child. Therefore I think I will give my child a balance of meat and other products but will ideally only feed it non processed meat as we are warned against eating this type for health reasons.

Anyway, it's not an issue and I will see what happens when it happens. Whatever is best for the baby. I just wanted to see what you other veggie mothers are going to do?
hi there im not a complete vegeterian i just eat chicken, my husband eats all meats and ive been feeding my son all meats too just to give him the iron and protein he needs at a young age, i think its easier for children to eat meat at young age to get the minerals etc they need for healthy growth especially as children can be such fussy eaters they might not eat the vegeterian equivalent . thats not to say you cant try them on different vegeterian foods but my advice is just for the first while anyways to feed them meat. also that will determine any allergies early on.

hope that makes sense and good luck xxx
I'm not a vegetarian so i still give my daughter meat. She eats all types of meat and i do think it's important as part of a balanced diet!
When she's older though, if she chooses to become a vegetarian then that's absoultly fine!
This sounds really strange but i've always hated the thought of eatting animals but i love the taste of meat too much!!
I'm not vegetarian but as your hubby eats meat I think that a good balance of non processed meat and vegetables etc sounds like a good idea x my sister was a vegetarian for 15 years until she became of then craved bacon! But now her daughter has decided to become vegetarian-completely her own choice-so my sisters more vegetarian again now. I'm really awful-I eat all meat except pork and I can't stand the smell of pork cooking so won't cook it-my daughter has had pork maybe once in her life in my house and 2-3 times at my parents house when I should make more of an effort to let her experience it x
hey lactovegetarain and always has family are and so is my OH. I have been having a perfectly balanced diet and am also taking pregncare and veg omega 3. This is because i suffer from lupus and am on alot of medication to control it.

My children will follow the diet that i intake and my OH. Why would i give my children something that i dont think is good for me, children can have a perfectly balanced diet without intake of meat me and my whole family have been brought up fine. Yes i have lupus that has nothing to do with diet, otherwise touch wood we never have deficiency problems.

Yes when their at the age when they can decide for themselves they can decide whether or not they want to opt for a non veg diet, however upbringing and lifestyle should help them make their decisions. But whilst their in our care they will eat what we eat and will be explained why too....

i can understand its hard with your OH being non veg, you are as much as him allowed to decide whats best for your child, dont worry about it, everything will fall into place when their born....

takcare mwah xx
I'm a veggie exactly as you are but no one else in my house is! I never avoided giving Hebe meat really but she doesnt like it so she doesnt eat much.....I still offer it and she's recently started with chicken.
I'm also struggling with this one.

I'm a veggie, my hubby is a big meat eater. I've read so much stuff that's kept me vegetarian (I only converted less than a year ago) that I think if I give my child it, I could be doing so much harm in the long run. On the other hand, how the heck am I going to police it with a meat eating hubby and in laws that all think my diet is crazy?!

Any other veggies read 'The China Study' by T.Colin Campbell? Changed my life that book did.
No but I think I might now.... I dont have an issue with animals being killed....i just dont think it's good for you. :|

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