For those who BF with teeth!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Emms is teething and a little tooth is starting to poke out of the bottom gum. I wasnt expecting this so early and always said that I would stop BF when this happened as I thought it would be too painful. However I did not want to stop BF this early and am in a dilema now.

Have other people just carried on when their babs have teeth? Does it really hurt or do you get used to it?

I dont think I can psychologically get used to not BF yet!!! :(

Grateful for any advice . . . . .
I fed my oldest and my youngest for nearly 11 months and never had any problems with them. My oldest bit me once, but I shocked her when I screeched and she never did it again!

However, my middle daughter started biting me when she got teeth about 5 1/2 months and she just found it funny when I told her off. So I had to drop daytime feeds and only feed her the sleepy feeds, when she wasn't really aware of what was happening. I put her fully on formula at about 6 1/2 months.

Breastfeeding with teeth is only painful if they clamp down, but this doesn't happen much. I barely noticed otherwise. I would see how you go, hopefully you don't have a sadistic baby like my middle one!
Hey loz,

When I stopped feeding my DD, she had 8 teeth.

I think it really depends on the baby. If mine was cutting teeth, she would bite me and it feckin hurt, but othertimes she wouldn't. If I was you, I'd wait to see what Emma does and how she feeds now, you may not notice a difference.

Valentine Xxx
I fed Seren till she was 20 months old. We did go through a stage of her biting me (I got a really nasty graze the one time which she thought was hilarious) but she soon learnt that if she bit the boob would go, so she stopped.When she was feeding normally I never felt her teeth, they put their tongue over the bottoms
Alex only has three teeth, but still if he bites down then yes it hurts (and he finds it hilarious) but he doesn't do it very often. If he does do it though I tell him NO and take my boob away from him for a few minutes.

I thought breastfeeding a baby with teeth would be much worse than it is though. It's not as bad as I expected. I thought he would bite at every feed but he really doesn't - nowhere near. Maybe once a week at the most.
It doesn't hurt bfing with teeth... It hurts when they choose to bite though. Lil miss has bitten me so far 3 times and she got her teeth at 3/4 months... She got another tooth a few days ago so has three in total and the most recent bite was yesterday evening.... but in general she was faffing about, and she is going through a "biting" phase anyway.... If you put your hands near her she savages you, so the fact she hasn't savaged my nipple yet is rather impressive :lol: When she does bite, I usually shout (as in "OWW!") and pull her off the nipple then she doesn't get a boob again for half an hour... I don't care how much she cries...they honestly don't bite much... It irritates me far more when she pinches me with her nails or keeps tweaking my nipple in the middle of the night :x
Oliver only has one tooth and it's on the bottom so it's covered by his tongue when he's feeding properly. He has moved his tongue back and bitten me twice, but it wasn't hard - I think he was just testing! I'm more worried about the top teeth, but if he did bite me I would just take him off, I'm sure it wouldn't take them long to realise that biting = no feeding. Well I hope it wouldn't anyway!
Thanks guys, I will see how we get on! :hug:
My Lo has just got her two bottom teeth. i was worried too but so far she hasn't bitten me yet. as someoen said the bottom teeth are covered by their tongue if they are feeding properly. I'm hoping she doesn't get anymore soon! :pray:

good luck

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