For those due fairly soon...


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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what are your thoughts on New Years Eve plans??

I'm due on the 7th Dec, but not sure I will feel ready to leave the baby for a whole evening to go out and party even that far on?

My OH has been invited to London with some mates for NYE and although he just mentioned his invite casually, if he accepts I will feel really hurt that he would prefer to go out and party with friends than celebrate the new year with his new family (me and baby lol). It hasn't been brought up properly yet which means he probably knows how I will react and is scared to even ask hehe!!
Am I being selfish expecting him to sit in with me (and probably go to bed at 9 lol), or is it out of order him wanting to go to London? I seem to get upset by the tiniest things these days that I've lost track of what 'acceptable' behaviour is.
He's gone away this weekend (2 hrs away) and although I very much doubt I'll go into labour, I am a bit upset that he doesn't get how close we are to being parents!

Sorry for the long post but I don't want to moan about this to my parents as they already think he's a bit 'flaky', and I'm fairly sure once the baby is here then he will completely change his ideas. Oh I don't!:wall2:
bless ya chick, i kno what u mean about the hormones, mine are all over the place, everytime i get to spend any time with hubby (wkends) all i seam to do is cry on his sholder, last week its was over xmas dinner, this week it was cos he wanted to go xmas shopping with me n his friends, n i just wanted us 2 to go out for lunch, normally i wouldnt be bothered and would of told him to go, but i was petrefield that he wouldnt come back.... so ended up not going and has since sulked all day,lol

we havnt got anything planned for NY eve yet, but last yr he surprised me to a wkend in liverpool, so im not expecting anything this year, lol but would hope that he doesnt end up at his mates house gettin pissed thinkin its acceptable for me and baby to be at home on our own, or surrounded by drunks.....

i dont know if il b ready like u said to leave baby for a whole night, but dont want to be host to a all night piss-up at ours either, god its so hard to choose n decide stuf when baby isnt even here yet!!

Cheers amy, glad I'm not the only one feeling like this!

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