For those bf and topping up with formula


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Gp suggested topping lily up with formula to get her weight up.. It's my choice I don't have to but he said I could.. I don't want her to end up preferring the formula and not bf anymore.. What experiences have you all had with this? Did they want formula rather than breastmilk?
Was thinking of making it a routine thing maybe at night before bed.. But our routine is to bf in my bed.. Don't wanna change her bedtime routine.. Maybe a formula lunch??
I combined bf and ff when lo was a month old or so, and my oh did the ff during the night which worked really well and was a great help! My bf naturally came to an end (huge infected cyst)

You could try her at lunch time and see how it goes? I used to express alot and found if i ff during the day my boobs would get really full and hurt (as they were used to being emptied) which is why the night time worked best for us. Good luck!
we had to do this with J. He foudn it really easy (from 6 days old) to swiitch between bottle and breast really easy. We initially did it at night time to give me a break as at some points he was on it for 3.5 hours solidly so throughout a day of that it got pretty hellish! He loved it before bedtime and helped him settle off nicely and then when that was established phil then started doing alternate night feeds with formula....

Whilst i was bf really helped me out and joshua. You could do it as a lunch time feed though...dont see how it would matter whether its late at night or lunch time............

She sleeps 12-14 hrs at night so we don't have night feeds, only four feeds a day.. She wouldn't take a bottle of expressed milk before so I'm worried she won't take a bottle.. If its a richer milk I was concerned about it laying in her tummy overnight (gp agreed on that and maybe lunch would be better) plus she poos just once every week an a half I don't want to upset her tummy :( if I ff one feed a day I'll be bf just three times a day.. Don't want my milk to dry up either..
Have they been okay with both? Not preferring the bottle??
This is what's making me feel like weaning early.. To avoid the bottle and keep up bf! My girls were both weaned early and didn't hurt them so I'm comfortable doing it just wanted to hold off for as long as I can..
My lo got to the stage where he preferred the bottle but that was mainly because i wasnt physically able to bf with the cyst.... And gradually ff got more than bf :( So as long as u ieep up the bf and not expressing like i did im sure she would be ok??

Its all a out trial and error tbh...maybe try the lunch feed just to see how u go, however, my lo became extremely constipated on formula :( it was awful!!!! And with u saying she doesnt poo much just keep an eye out on that...
joshua never bothered but he didnt care where it came from so long as he was fed lol and is still the same!! Id try the lunch feed and see how you get on? And as amy says watch out with the pooping! x
Thanks I'm just gonna make a bottle for her now and try her on it.. It's actually making me feel sick about giving it to her!! Constipation is one thing I really want to avoid!! It's less likely she will get constipated on fruit purée than formula.. I'm so worried its gonna either give her bad poos or she will prefer it :cry: either way she needs to gain weight.. What of it's just teething that's dropped her weight? And I'm doing this unnecessarily? What if I wait a week an she drops even more coz I haven't tried anything??
i think you know deep down what you should do either way round!!! Trust your instincts hun and no matter the outcome do not feel guilty for it! you will be either way doing the best!! xx
I personally think purées or rice would be better!
It's killing me feeding her this bottle I actually wanna cry!! Feel like a failure!!
OHs family r well happy they are against bf big time especially his nan!! His mum just said 'good, she needs it' :mad: like I've not been giving her what she needs!!
She just took 2 and a half oz!
Dont feel bad hun! Although its hards i know, i felt awful that my lo got constipated due to the ff :( and pureed fruit would probably be better i agree!
Thanks hun I was expecting ppl to jump to the 6month rant again :mad: so glad u agree!!
Yeah 4weeks!! Awful!! She got the hump I didn't get her ears pierced when I got the girls done at Xmas! My OH would go mad if I did and she was like 'just get it done and there's nothing he can do!' nice!! I'd go mad if that was my mother!!!
4oz now!!
5oz and wanting more!! Surely she doesn't get that amount from me in the 10/15 mins she feeds for at this time usually??!!
5oz! She obviosuly wants it doesnt she!? :eek:
After spending her first week on earth in hospital Holly has been fed every way possible including through her nose! I had to combine ff and bf when we got home cos she was bf for an hour then needing more which i couldn't produce! Holly took breast and bottle happily, as long as she was getting her grub lol! I felt awful when i stopped bf as i couldn't keep up with her needs and felt like i'd failed her but had to keep reminding myself that it was better for Holly to be fed fron a bottle than starve!
Thanks hun :) sorry to hear youve had so many difficulties :(
She seems ok after that feed I don't want to over do it in case it upsets her tummy..
Maybe if I just do that feed as formula and the rest breast I'll have stored enough milk by skipping a feed to satisfy her at the next one.. But then will I stop producing as much?
So confused!! Was so much easier with my first lol!
Mil just wants me to stop all together and give her formula.. It's hard talking to someone who is so against bf coz it makes me question if I'm doing the right thing by continuing to bf her :(
Googled and there is more fat and calories in breast milk than formula so giving her formula won't actually make her gain weight.. Gp said if she seems hungry after a feed (which she isnt i just mentioned to him she fed every three hours yesterday) to top her up.. So by skipping a breast feed and replacing with formula won't actually make her gain any more weight! That's why hv said they may prescribe a high calorie formula, not suggest I switch to formula.. She suggested I eat more.. Maybe I shouldn't have given her the formula then? She's acting hungry already..
A mil who doesn't want her granddaughter breast fed and a jealous sister who had to give up bf my niece at 10weeks coz she wasnt producing enough milk.. Not the best people to talk to!! Apparently I'm not doing best for baby :( she continued to try to bf for two weeks even though she knew it wasnt enough for my niece coz she was screaming after each feed for more but she refused to give in and baby suffered and lost weight coz of that.. I'm producing plenty for lily coz she doesn't finish off the milk in my breasts.. She's just dropped in weight.. Maybe coz of teething or cold or the facts she's getting bigger and sleeping too much making her have just 4 feeds a day.. Gettin so pissed off with them!! So glad I have u ladies!!

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