For mums with a toddler and a new baby


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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We live in a relatively big, 2 bedroom ground floor flat. Our girl is 18 months and we have a baby on the way. How did other folks handle the sleeping arrangements at first. Jessica sleeps reallywell, 12 hours a night in her cot and always has done. I never had her in with us. How will I work it with another?
How have others handled it and where will I put everything???
Im going into sweats thinking about where the hell to park a double pram. I stopped a woman in the street the other day to ask her where she got hers.
Im having a lack of space moment. Again.

ive got a lil gurl called kylie who is just over 18mnths and a baby called demi. i live in a 2 bedroom flat on floor 9 :( hell gettin a buggy up an down! um i have got both the kids in with me- demi in the moses basket and kylie in her cot. when demi needs to go in the cot i have no idea what im going to do with kylie. (dads in the other room). all the baby stuff is everywhere!!!!!! under my bed, dads room, thrown in the corner, anywhere it wil fit! lol

i probably havent helped have i?
luv marylou xxx
Hi Marylou,
Thanks for replying. Its good to hear from someone else with the same space problems. I would love to move but the house is like a bombsite, (the kitchen has no wallpaper) and we would need to put in a new kitchen before we could sell this one not to mention redecorate the living room and 1 of the bedrooms. That would cost a bit so its a catch 22.

What about a bunk bed for your room, Ive seen these ones where the top is a single and the bottom is a double for the 2 weans.

Take care
thanks laura- the bunkbed idea is great!
i know wha you mean cos our flat is a bombsite aswell. terrible!!!!!!!!!
o ye you said you were gettin a double buggy i think. did u? anyway i havent got one :cry: i have a buggey and a sling with demi in and kylie goes in the buggy. it is starting to hurt my back lol but it sort of works!

luv marylou xxx
Hi Marylou,
Thanks for the reply. I had thought about the pram and babybjorn but my last baby was 9lb 3oz and grew quickly.
What kind of carrier do you use? I liked my bb but walking was all it was good for. Im quite small so somethings were tricky.
I stay in a small town so my buggy is about all I can get into a shop with. Im sure you know the look non pram people give if you block an aisle or bang into them.


What about having the baby in with you till she sleeps well, then having both kids share a room?
My friend has 3 kids but 2 of them chose to share a room even though they didn't have to!

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