

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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It's 2:30pm and so far today I have had 28 calories :shock:
(a donone actimel drink that I made myself have just now)
I haven't even had anything else to drink.

I have a problem with eating during the day - I will then have a small meal for tea and want to pig out on sweets :oops: I would literally live on crisps and sweets all day, I just don't have an appetite for anything else. If there are none in the house, I won't eat.

EDIT: OH and I are trying to be healthy at the moment so there is nothing "bad" in the house :(

What's wrong with me? And could this be what is having an effect on me conceiving (although I was the same, if not worse when I fell pregnant with my daughter)
tell me about it, i've had three bags of crisps already today :roll:
Lots of people have problems trying to have a healthy diet, have you ever seen 'Freaky Eaters' on BBC3?

I don't think you can view it online but there's a few clips etc here

People just don't talk about it, because it's embarassing!

Especially women, a lot of us have problems with food.

I hate veg and will eat hardly anything one day, and takeaway the next. But I try and eat a proper amount of calories a day now I'm TTC. It's very difficult, especially with not being able to exercise much either.

I really used to starve myself, but gave up smoking 3 years ago and ever since then have lusted after lardy foods :lol:
Gosh my eating habbits of late are well bad i cant stop eating and its generaly all the wrong sort f stuff ie crisps, cakes chocolate etc but then sometimes i can only eat a little in a day so its a bit hit and miss at times no idea why it is atm though :think:
Thank goodness it's not just me!

I actually really enjoy fruit and vegetables and love eating them with my evening meal, but can't bring myself to eat anythingother than junk at any other time.
I told myself that when I became a mother I would eat well to set a good example but that went down the pan almost immediately :roll:
I did find that when I managed to conceive last, I had a real urge to eat a small bar of chocolate most days for a week or so beforehand. So maybe it helps in some way, in moderation :)

Usually manage to maintain my weight by WW points :) Can't really do my extreme version of weightwatchers while TTC, but still doing ok on the weight front due to much less calories from alcohol :lol:
I'm rubbish at eating properly. Im just having a bowl of frosties for a snack, for lunch I had marmite on toast and a bag of crisp.
Honestly you are all so naughty. Tut tut!

*Hides wotsits under desk*
:shock: omg you would love my cupboards! full of crisps for the LO and a few chocies for me :D

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