food help please


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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im rather perturbed about the amount of food joshua will eat.

Hes 15 months and if theres food ANYWHERE he will eat it. We give him good varied portions of food at meal times and a snack, but hif theres food out he will devour it . not be sick or anything just keep on eating and eating!!!!!!!!!!! it sounds silly but we had mentioned it weeks ago to each other, and people comment on how much he eats he must be hungry but i promise you its none stop eating if he had his way. not even crap (which in theory i could understand iyswim) but fruit vegetable meat as well as anything else (he only ever normally has as a massive treat -xmas has been crazy with grandparents etc etc)

We wouldnt have thought about it however our childminder has told us she has never kown a child of any age in over 25 yrs of experience who literally will not stop eating given the opportunity. he throws food in his mouth and then whinges to get everyone elses and shes gotten to the point she has had to feed him bit at a time during meal times with her other children...

is this normal?

he is on the 60th centile for height (take maybe a lil) and approx the 89th for weight! but this is a long term thing...
I'm not sure if it is normal or not?! Oz is a complete nightmare to feed, so fussy, he would rather go hungry than eat something he doesn't like the look of!

I know there is something called prada willy syndrome or something where people never feel full? I'm not sure if I've got that right though, but it's something to do with eating alot lol

I'd have a word with HV or GP if you are worried hun. Might be worth starting a food diary so you can see exactly how much he is eating in a week?
Im sorry, maria i know i shouldn but i gggled a little at the name of that! Prada willy!!

I'm not sure about normal, but I'm sure a 15 month old couldn't emotional eat or eat out of boredom, so in guessing maybe he just has a big appetite? It's not like of he's had a bad week he'd order a Chinese for 2 and eat it all himself... Which as adults is the trap we fall into? Eying web were not even hungry? Xx
thanks ladies. we're very conscious (sic) of what he eats and we regualte it to appropriate amounts butwe have to keep food out of his reach otherwise its gone............... and he will not stop till its gone and he would happily eat more. i said to oh earlier after j had had his dinner, that if we put another one dinner (salmon with pasta, [eas and sweetcorn with a mini petit filous and some peach) he would eat the same again.. literally. .. sounds absrd but its the same with every meal hes never sick with it.... but we cannot eat in front of him x
It is true that people with Prader-Willi often don't stop eating, but it is a rare and complicated disorder with so many other symptoms that would be far more noticeable than that. It still might be worth talking to your doctor if you're worried though, although Toby was the same until quite recently. Now he seems to eat until he's full and stops, but he used to eat all of his dinner - whatever we gave him - and then eat anything that Sam had left as well as anything else he could find. We went to a wedding when he was about 13 months and the main course was a massive salmon on a huge dish in the middle of the table as well as veg etc, and because we were on a family table with lots of kids there was loads left, and he just wouldn't stop eating it so I had to leave the table with him as I thought he'd make himself sick!
thtas a little more reassuring thank you! wasnt so much worrying just perturbed x
I wouldn't worry too much but like samsmum says if you are worried see your gp he's probably just habits a majour growth spurt and like you say it isn't junk food but healthy foods so at least he isn't filling him self up with junk xxx

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