food aversions


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Either I've become very fickle with food (which is not usual for me :rotfl: ) or maybe its a pregnancy symptom?

Ready salted crisps - YUCK! YUCK! YUCK!. Had one today and nearly vomitted. Normally love the damn things.

Vanilla Cheescake - YUM YUM YUM! I thought I would test the theory of 'eating for two' ( :shhh: )

Were any of you like this around 8dpo? e.g. developing taste aversions.

My mum said that in the old days, they said 'salty food for boys', 'sweet food for girls' - any truth in that in your experience?

(If I dont get a BFP, I will re-read messages I have posted like this and cringe at being such a hypochondriac drama queen)
I went off things like sweetcorn, anything at all fried too with my son but this time, all I crave is anything. lol
the saying must be true i ate bags and bags of sweeties,and lollies while pregnant with havana
in the first tri i could only eat things i craved or i would be sick

Sounds possible, when are you gonna test? af due soon?
Af is due on 20th (saturday)....i'll test then if the damned witch hasnt shown up by then. Today have chronic sore boobs and felt sick earlier. Nearly vomitted when I was out walking and walked past some guy smoking. :pray: BFP please next week..please!!! :pray:
when I was PG before I mc i went off coffee and ate caramel bars at the rate of 8 a day dipped in tea :shock: can't stand the things now :rotfl:
I can no longer stand chocolate I can't even look at it ewww. It's strange because I always loved chocolate :think:
I went right off coffee and alcohol before I even thought about testing for bfp!! I am carrying a girl and what I really fancy is fruit, custard, yogurt, cake, milkshake. Can't bear onions, garlic, spices (ooh the burps they give me are foul). Normally love black coffee, curry, savoury things, WINE!!!! :rotfl:

Good luck with the test on Sat (try testing on Friday - I tested 3 days before AF was due and got BFP).

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