Food and cravings


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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I feel sick all day at the moment. Eating definitely helps but I struggle with what I fancy and what makes me feel sick! Unfortunately I like my food so no chance of me losing a few pounds in the process!

Just wondered what everyones been having for lunch at work. I have to take in 2 things because I just don't want what I take in!

Has anyone had any cravings yet? I've been trying to avoid fizzy drinks but had the urge for irn bru earlier so had a can. I've now had 3 cans this week :roll:

For lunch... Well I take a feast, to sandwiches or rolls, a bit ok cake (mederia cake, it has to be mederia cake) bag of crisps, banana and a green apple, I used to hate green apples but loving them at the mo!

I tend not to actually fancy anything in particular, nothing really jumps out at me at the mo except maderia cake so I've just been packing/eating anything and I find once I start eating it I enjoy it!

As for cravings, not really despite what I've said about the cake, there are certain foods every now and again that I fancy bur nothing that really lasts longer than a couple of days, I find once I eat it I don't want it again, does that make sense? Xx
I have an awfully sweet tooth at the moment, I don't know if that's because I was so tired all the time but I really craved cake!! that's so bad for me but I am trying to eat fruit instead and am addicted to strawberries which is better! I just have a sandwich at lunch but I haven't been sick so I can't help there with good anti-sickness lunches I'm afraid. Hope your sickness subsides soon :) xx
Oh my goodness snap Nat on the cake cravings!!! We replie at the same time ;-)
I had more cravings in tri 1 than 2, maybe because of the nausea. I always have an apple with me, and I was always wanting lemon things also ate quite a lot of quavers and wotsits as well! Know what you mean about not knowing what you fancy, I still have cupboards full of food I don't want! I've wasted loads of food over the last 4 months!
Got to be haribo type sweets for me, never had a sweet tooth before but now I could eat my body weight. Any type of dairy makes me want to vom which is odd coz i love cheese!!
I've been trying to avoid fizzy drinks but had the urge for irn bru earlier so had a can. I've now had 3 cans this week :roll:


I could so take out an irn bru right now - not had one of those for years!! xxx
I've been trying to avoid fizzy drinks but had the urge for irn bru earlier so had a can. I've now had 3 cans this week :roll:


I could so take out an irn bru right now - not had one of those for years!! xxx

Lol! Go for it I've got one at my desk waiting to be opened!

Wotsits sound good!

I weighed myself this morning and wasn't pretty. My belly is bulging.

I had more cravings in tri 1 than 2, maybe because of the nausea. I always have an apple with me, and I was always wanting lemon things also ate quite a lot of quavers and wotsits as well! Know what you mean about not knowing what you fancy, I still have cupboards full of food I don't want! I've wasted loads of food over the last 4 months!

Omg wotsits! Had a pack yesterday heaven.

I've been surviving at work by taking a big box of watermelon chunks and strawberries. The nausea becomes manageable if I'm sucking these through the day.

I get really starving hunger pangs at meal times and need to eat right away. But then get full quite quick. I was late home last night due to a crappy day at work and awful traffic. Bless my DH he ran out as soon as parked out and handed me some crackers because he knew Id be starving and feeling off.

I'm not having specific cravings but get fixated on something in particular. My latest which is so far unfulfilled is baked potato with a bit of butter and melted cheese with crunchy salad, hard boiled egg and coleslaw mmmmmmmmm may have to sort this out soon.
OMG FREAKY! i am suddenly obsessed with wotsits I have to have a bag each day lol
I DID have a cheesy puffs craving..............right now the very thought makes me queasy!!

Funny how you fancy different things???

Right now I could go for a huge steak with crispy bacon............shame I'm vegetarian though!!!
Pears and bananas I can't stop eating either. Which isn't a bad thing I suppose. I'm finding all other fruit way too sweet, I can't eat clementines without pulling a funny face!

Normally I would be eating junk food and chocolate, but for some reason I just don't fancy it.
I don't fancy anything either, the thought of any food makes me feels sick. Crackers are always a good choice, along with white soft bread with cheese or ham and recently crumpets. So really not much variety at all, the thought of a proper main meal makes me feel worse. I had a bite of chicken and 3 mouthfuls of beans the other night for dinner before giving up, and then being sick.

i have so much food in my house all of which i have turned my nose up to. xx

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