FOLLOW-UP ** Need your Prayers **


Active Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Hi I would like to thank everyone for their comfort --

I Had the appointments with the cardiologist. The problem is only the lungs... no problem with the brain, no problem with the heart.. just the lungs. but the lungs are so big that it is putting a lot of pressure onto the heart.. i asked them to be really honest with me... and they had indicated that my little boy had a 10% chance of living by week 24. I am currently only in week 20. and if by somehow the baby survives... through pregnancy the baby will need transplants, weekly monitoring etc... etc... I have a week to think of my decisions of terminating this pregnancy or, if i continue on they will monitor me each week that goes by... but his heart can possibly stop at any time.

Genetics was confusing too... too much info. it has a 0.4% of possibly causing a mis-carriage if i take the test for genetics and cromazones etc... they also indicated that the baby is at a higher %, knowing that he is just already getting by.

... my husband and i talked about it... and i think i will be going through the test, knowing our chance of our little one surviving is already slim. At least then we can know if we have a problem with our genetics or if we can help another family... none of the doctors had seen a case like ours.. which is much worse..

we need to make a decision ... we are afraid but dont want our little one to suffer. can not sleep i keep thinking that i dont feel my baby move so i drink lemonade to re-assure me.

what really bothers me is... i dont drink alcohol, dont smoke, have only one cup of coffee a day (only started back 1 month ago), dont take tylenol or any medications.... no pop,, no problems with anything in both families. how could this happen.

my husband and i have decided to name our little boy by his daddy, my husband’s first name. ... after all he is still my little one!

my heart goes out to you, nobody can advise you on what to do other than talk to eachother which you are already doing so i just want to say that what ever decision you make is the right one :hug: :hug:
Please can I start by giving you some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really have no idea what to say to you but whatever decision you make with regards tests etc is extemely brave and you and your husband are bound to feel "why us".. the world is a very strange and cruel place.

My love and prayers :pray: are with you both your little boy and your families at this most difficult time.

Take care
Kathy x
I'm so sorry, it must be so difficult for you. :hug:
You and your family will be in my prayers.
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so sorry that you are having to go through this :hug: :hug: my thoughts and prayers are with you, your husband and your little boy right now!! :hug: :hug:
Im very sorry you and your family are having to go trough this.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Alex xxx
I'm so sorry this has happened. My thoughts are with you both at this difficult time :hug: :hug: :hug:
im so sorry you're having to go through this and am praying for you and ur LO :hug: :hug: :hug:
You are all in my thoughts and prayers, I feel for you so much.
Much love

:hug: :hug:
:cry: You poor sweetheart. My very best wishes to you all, I really hope that your little one makes it through this :hug:
I cant imagine what you're going through right now :hug: :hug:

I think whatever decision you make has to ultimately be the right one for you and your DH. I do think having the tests is a good idea and i hope you LO holds on in there past 24 weeks.
my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your son xx
What a horrible time for you both, I hope that in this difficult time you get lots of support :hug:

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