Follow on milk


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Phoebe is currently on Cow & Gate Comfort milk cos she used to have really bad colic. She hasn't had problems with it for a few months now though.
But I noticed they can have follow on milk from 6 months. Does anyone else use it or did you carry on using the same milk? What's the difference between them?

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I was told at my weaning group that follow on milks are a con as you can just carry on using same formula up until age of 1 x
yeah basically no difference really except they can put offers on the follow on milk so its cheaper. check the ingredients. i bet the 1st milk is better for them cos they cant put sugar or lots of things in the 1st milk but i bet they do in the toddler one.
We started Angel on the follow on and she's done fine on it so far, I started around 6.5 months x
I heard that follow is just a way for them to get round the advertising ban. I'm with Bev though, check the ingredients - if it's the same I'd use follow on cos you get points/offers etc. zxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Tbh I was thinking cos of the price and because it's difficult to get the comfort milk whereas they sell the follow on milk in the shop round thw corner from me. However I was having a look in asda today and there is 5g more sugar in the follow on milk, so I'm thinking for the sake of £1.50 more, I think I'll stick to the comfort. Thanks girls :) xx
We used his usual formula until he was 1 and then switched straight to cows milk - our GP told us that this was fine and follow-on milks were just an expensive con :shock:
I remember changing Thomas to follow on and he hated it

We started using the follow in and went back to stage 1 milk after about 10 days as it made her really sicky

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