Folic Acid?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Hi Ladies,:wave:

May i ask is it important to take it at the same time every day and with food?

Thanks, hope your all doing ok!

I'm just taking mine randomly, I didn't know you had to take it with food xxx
don't think it matters what time of day or if its a different time each day, i take mine when i remember lol
the pregnacare tablets say to tke with food, but i don't know if its the same for just the folic acid
Same as the other girls - when I remember!!
I've been on high dose Folic Acid for about 5 months now (I'm an anciant mum at 38 LOL) I too just take it at any time of day with or without food - it does not matter!
I always take mine after brushing my teeth just so I remember , I left the box by my toothbrush .
Hi Ladies,:wave:

May i ask is it important to take it at the same time every day and with food?

Thanks, hope your all doing ok!


Hi there.

I take Pregnacare Tablets, which has Folic Acid in them.

I used to take them in the morning after breakfast, but I have been suffering badly with sickness, and was practically sick within 10 minutes of taking them. I asked my Dr and she said to take them at night if thats when I feel best. So I now take them at night after my dinner.

I think if you just sort out a time that you won't forget them, then have them then.

I'm not sure about Folic Acid on its own, but the pregnacare ones say to take with a main meal. I have taken them without before and have again felt sick instantly.

Taking them in the evening definately works best for me.

Good Luck!
Hiya as couple girls have already said it doesn't matter if folic acid tablets are taken with food, and I have missed a few days here and there but I think it's fine, the doc said as long as I'm taking them (when I remember) things should be okay :-) I don't miss much days anyway. Hope you're well spinney! Xxx
Hiya as couple girls have already said it doesn't matter if folic acid tablets are taken with food, and I have missed a few days here and there but I think it's fine, the doc said as long as I'm taking them (when I remember) things should be okay :-) I don't miss much days anyway. Hope you're well spinney! Xxx

Thanks Scottish, im fine thanx still taking it all in!:)

Cant believe your 11 weeks!

Hi SG!
I don't think it matters really with folic acid. It's different with multi vits though, which I've read are better with food because some can cause mild nausea, and some of the vitamins are absorbed better with food).
I'm actually about 10 weeks and errrm 5 days I think! Need to update my ticker because I had a scan last Thursday :-). but yeah I'm still taking it all in as well! OH said to me the other day when we were cuddling, he touched my tummy and said 'our baby is in there' and he smiled, it just doesn't seem real, but it is :-) hehe.

It's good to see you in tri 1 hun, its about time too! Hehe xxx
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It's good to see you in tri 1 hun, its about time too! Hehe xxx

Bless you thats so nice. Im glad to be here to, although at one stage i thought it would never happen, i suppose everyone feels like that. Need to have more faith!

Anyway you take care xxx

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