Folic I continue to take?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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So today I have reached 12 weeks! :D On Tuesday I had my first scan and it was Amazing!

Am really looking forward to going into the 2nd Trimester now and starting to see my bump grow and grow :)

Now I want to know others opinions and past experiences with taking Folic Acid...I have been taking my Pregnecare Tablets (which contain mix of other essential supplements aswell as Folic Acid) since week 4/5 and everywhere I read it says to take Folic Acid until the twelveth week. Nowhere ever has information about continuing supplements throughout.
Although what I have been taking is designed to continue taking throughout the pregnancy is it still as important as taking them for just the first trimester??

Have any of you just stopped once you reached or will you when you reach the twelve week or continue to take throughout? What do you all think is best?

Thanks all... :)
I think i will carry on taking mine but more for the other vitamins than the folic acid - it can't hurt anyway!x
I was taking folic acid, but asked at my 12 Week scan and consultant said that I no longer needed to do so. Think folic acid is something to do with growth of the spine, so if spine is fully developed by 12 Weeks I guess there's no point in continuing to take it.
Folic acid is taken to help the development of the babies neural system, at 12 weeks this is fully developed and therefore there is no need for you to take it any longer. wehter you stop or not is your choice i dont think it matters too much :)

hope this helped

I'm still taking it now and will continue to do so while i breast feed. :) xx
I am planning on continuing with my Pregnacare the whoel way through, the extra Folic Acid doesn;t hurt baby as far as I have read and I know my eating habits are bad too so the vitamens will help with keeping babe healthy too
I think it's only for 12 weeks but i'm going to keep taking pregnacare for the whole of pergnancy, just to be on the safe side :)
I took it to the I went into labour with my son, and will do again this time too xxx

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