flutterings already??

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Anyone else felt flutterings so early? So many websites say does not happen till later. This is baby no.2 so I know what it used to feel like... Its way low down felt it when sitting quietly.

Anyone else felt early or have I just got wind? Hey!! Just felt it again!!
I felt this one early (14+2 I think) so I reckon it's the baby you are feeling. xx
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I have felt something once, at the weekend, and I wasn't sure if it was baby or not. But i've never felt a feeling like that in my tummy before. It was like a little tapping for a few seconds, but I haven't felt anything since. This is my first baby so I have nothing to compare it to, but I like to think it was baby (even if people say it is too early!) :)
i felt my little man pretty early on. around 14 weeks. xxx
I didn't feel my first until about 18/19 weeks but second child I felt at 14 weeks so it's def possible xxx
I've only just been able to tell its baby at 20 weeks and this is my first but I reckon I've prob felt it for a few a few weeks but couldn't destiguish from wind or anything as I have nothing to compate the feelings to xx
this is my first, and i think im feeling movement :) when mw asked last week (at 17 weeks) i told her what id felt and she said it was deff baby, though i dont think im convinced just yet!!! so it more than likely is your lo :)
Ooooohhh lovely! If it keeps up ill know it is but if it stops....just gas lol
This is my first and felt the first flutterings around the 15 week point x
Ooooohhh lovely! If it keeps up ill know it is but if it stops....just gas lol

Nooo don't think like that hun!

I know I deffinately felt baby move but it was about 2 weeks before I felt it again lol
This is my 3rd and I felt little flutterings from around 13 weeks so it could def be baby x
Tracey, this is my second and i felt the first movement at 13wks and from that day i felt it everyday and now i feel baby poke me and move quite regularly throughout the day :) its great...
Felt it about 5 times today....think it must be baby? Yay!!!

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