How soon did you feel baby


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
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I have been feeling movements for a few weeks now, just small flutterings or as if there was a twitch in tummy, I already have a son so knew i would feel baby move earlier as its not my first pregnancy, just wondered if anyone else felt baby move so soon especially with second babies or more. :D
I was sure i could feel movements from 12 week, Like random twitches, was strange! last time i felt first kick at 16 week. an cuz im busy now i dont really notice it much haha occasionaly il sit down an relax an feel a random twitch again.!
With DD and this pregnancy I didn't feel movement until 17 weeks but I know a lot of people feel it earlier. It's a lovely feeling though isn't it! :D
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Ive been wondering if what ive felt for the past few weeks is movements or not i more so get this feeling at night so im begining to think it migt be bubs!!!!
Flossy82 said:
Ive been wondering if what ive felt for the past few weeks is movements or not i more so get this feeling at night so im begining to think it migt be bubs!!!!
yep its when im sitting or lying down im feeling it, its a great feeling :D
I felt flutters from about 16 weeks then felt the first definite kicks when i was exactly 18 weeks.
Very soon after that other people could feel the kicks from the outside too.
i felt big kicks at 17 weeks this time. but could feel little flutters from 12/13 weeks :)
yep its when im sitting or lying down im feeling it, its a great feeling

It sure is i also get it too when sitting down feels a really weird feeling also atthe same time :lol:
Not sure if im feeling moments or my tummy is just sore you know :oops: How can you tell, at night when i lie down i just feel this twinging so to speak low down???? :oops:
Just before 14 weeks. As it was my first pregnancy no-one believed that I could feel baby move so early but I knew what it was as it was a totally new sensation.
felt futters and twinges up till week 22 and know have proper kicks and this one never seems to stop moving now lol

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