Flu jab in pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I was offered a flu jab by GP and am unsure what to do. Obviously wouldn't want to catch a flu but also I want to minimise taking things which I am not sure what effect they may have on the baby.

I honestly don't know what to do. I would appreciate any thoughts/ideas on the subject.
Stace xx
I don't think there's negative effects for baby? I thought all pregnant women were encouraged to get it as it benefits you both. I got it first pregnancy and had no issues,was fab neither me or DD caught any colds that winter. Im sure they wouldn't tell you to get it if there was any risk xx
I've never had a flu jab but my midwife pretty much strongly convinced me to have it as she said we have a weaker immune system while pregnant and could turn serious and go into pneumonia I had mine yesterday and although it stung and my arm hurt rest of day it's fine today xx
Maybe I am a bit paranoid))) I am just not a big fan of any experiments during pregnancy. Never had a flu jab before, so am not sure how it will affect me or the baby. But then I understand the risks of not having a flu jab... Ahhhhh. Why does it have to be so difficult?))
I am quite torn about this.
I had the flu jab at work a few years ago and a few days later I was really poorly and have been advised not to have it again but not by my midwife as I haven't spoken to her about it. However normally they vaccinate against the strain of flu from the previous year therefore if it is not the same strain it wouldn't really have an affect. I have known people to have had the flu after having the flu jab with hospital admissions.
This is just my opinion and story. Entirely a personal choice x
Thanks for your story, Loula x This is exactly where I am coming from - I am not sure I wouldn't have a reaction to the jab and I worry it could cause more harm than help. I am also on antibiotics treating uti at the moment (wasn't sure about taking those either but have a bad uti, so I have to really).
The flu jab doesn't contain a live virus so it can't cause flu. It can make you feel crap but that has never been my experience. There are multiple potentially serious risks to you and baby if you catch the flu while pregnant so I think the pros outweigh the cons in this instance (same with antibiotics). They have studied be vaccine in pg and it's shown not to be a risk to the baby, and in fact can give it immunity for a while once born. I'd have a chat with your MW and GP for their opinions x
I went to Tesco pharmacy today to get my flu jab as I was going shopping. I didn't end up getting it as the person there said shed never injected a pregnant woman before and that as I hadn't had a flu jab before I might react to it and they don't have the necessary stuff there like the doctors do to help me. Totally freaked me out! After being so negative she then said that she could still do it if I was happy to go ahead! I declined and said I would ring my GP on Monday...
I went to Tesco pharmacy today to get my flu jab as I was going shopping. I didn't end up getting it as the person there said shed never injected a pregnant woman before and that as I hadn't had a flu jab before I might react to it and they don't have the necessary stuff there like the doctors do to help me. Totally freaked me out! After being so negative she then said that she could still do it if I was happy to go ahead! I declined and said I would ring my GP on Monday...

Sounds like you just got an idiot that day so don't worry! My pharmacist did mine. In and out in 2 mins :) x
I am deciding against the flu jab during pregnancy. Never had it before and do not want to experiment now during this important time. I spoke to several midwifes and a doctor when I was at the hospital and I understand the risks. But it's just my own preference and I would say to everyone - go with your gut feeling. For someone it may be to get a jab, but for me it's the opposite.
Having the same dilemma, don’t have a midwife appointment until Monday 30th October, so holding off until then so I can get some advice.
I had flu when I was in my teen's and I was so so ill. it was horrendous and I can't imagine being pregnant and having that illness on top. I had the flu jab for the first time in my first pregnancy 3 years ago and I'll definitely be getting it this time
I had my flu jab last week, never had one before and I was worried I was going to feel I’ll afterwards like some other people have said they did but I was fine, my arm just felt a little bruised afterwards and that’s it. The midwife said they are expecting a particularly nasty strain of the virus to go around this year, she explained the risks of the jab to me and I decided it was worth it. Each to their own but for anyone putting it off just because they’re worried about getting a bit ill afterwards I would recommend getting it.
Had my flu jab today and I'm fine other than a head ache, although I think that's more to do with being tired and not wearing my glasses #badBeca
I am quite torn about this.
I had the flu jab at work a few years ago and a few days later I was really poorly and have been advised not to have it again but not by my midwife as I haven't spoken to her about it. However normally they vaccinate against the strain of flu from the previous year therefore if it is not the same strain it wouldn't really have an affect. I have known people to have had the flu after having the flu jab with hospital admissions.
This is just my opinion and story. Entirely a personal choice x

I have relatives, that have fallen sick after the flu jab and friends at work.. my mum was very bed and became bedridden for days.

I have never had it either and am to scared to. I'm sick with a cold now, and the gp has told me as soon as I get better to come in for the flu jab. My husband does not want me to have it.
I am quite torn about this.
I had the flu jab at work a few years ago and a few days later I was really poorly and have been advised not to have it again but not by my midwife as I haven't spoken to her about it. However normally they vaccinate against the strain of flu from the previous year therefore if it is not the same strain it wouldn't really have an affect. I have known people to have had the flu after having the flu jab with hospital admissions.
This is just my opinion and story. Entirely a personal choice x

I have relatives, that have fallen sick after the flu jab and friends at work.. my mum was very bed and became bedridden for days.

I have never had it either and am to scared to. I'm sick with a cold now, and the gp has told me as soon as I get better to come in for the flu jab. My husband does not want me to have it.

I honestly wouldn't worry. Being sick with flu when pregnant or vulnerable is a much much worse. You could end up with pneumonia. Side effects of the jab are rare as the flu is inactive in the jab. You can't get flu from the flu jab. You aren't actually getting the flu as such. Most people who are ill afterwards actually have something else. Side effects are rare.

I'm asthmatic so get mine every single year since I can remember. I've never had any side effects. I'm pregnant now too and have it booked for November 17th and I'm not worried in the slightest. My 3 year old is also getting it.

Flu is supposed to be really bad this year. Obviously if a doctor has advised to not to get it, then listen to your doctor, not me.. But in general I would certainly get it, though that's just my personal opinion. Speak to your doctor if youre really concerned. But hopefully I've helped.

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