Flat Head


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2017
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When I was pregnant nobody ever warned me about flat head syndrome, I never knew it existed and as it turns out, we weren't prepared and didn't buy anything to help prevent it.
My baby boy is currently 12 weeks old, I noticed his head starting to go a little flat maybe a month ago so I looked into it and have tried everything I can to try getting it back to normal.
I have always had him in my arms as much as possible, I adore him so much I don't want to put him down lol so he used to go in his bouncer or on the play mat whilst I did house work, went to the loo and ate anything that required a knife and fork but other than that he's always with me. Now that he's older I give him as much tummy time as possible, and when I'm holding him he's always sat upright, standing or on his front. I also alternate sides when I feed him as I exclusively breast feed. He's always been very strong and had great head control etc, but he sleeps like a rock!
He has always been a good sleeper but for the past month he has put himself to sleep around 8pm and he will happily sleep until I get him up minus night feeds (though usually its me who wakes him not the other way around!). When he's asleep he hardly moves, so the pressure is always in the same place on his head, but if I move it he moves back again straight away.
I did buy him a breathable flat head pillow which did help, but it's too small for him now and I can't seem to find any that arnt just for tiny babies and are safe for the to sleep with at night.
Will his head shape come back as he gets older or is it something I need to keep on top of whilst he's still small?
I will be asking the health visitor for advise when I next see her but until then, is there anything else I should be doing?
My hubby and mum keep telling me he doesn't look bad and not to worry but I'm convinced it will quickly get worse if I don't try to keep on top of it lol
If it's a mild flat spot it will fix itself but if it's worse then you'll need the doctor to help you. Have you tried moving the cot to another place? Babies often face something like the door, so if you spin his cot he might turn his head the other way. Also if you put all the interesting things in the nursery on the side he doesn't normally favour, he might turn his head. Other than that, it sounds like you're doing everything you can on your own. Good luck x
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My neice had flat head syndrome when she was a baby.
Try not to panic! Although easier said than done.
Most babies grow out of it when they are about to sit up by themselves and are able to support their heads.
My neice is now 2.5yrs and you wouldnt have even known.
Only advice for now is try and encourage "tummy time" as much as possible.

I know how midwives and health visitors can be harsh but honeslty im sure it will fix itself xx
Both my kids have had a flattening of their heads.

Go to the gp and they will refer you for physio. It sounds like you’re doing many of the things they suggest already. They do grown out of it. Tummy time is important.

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