Flat cloth nappies


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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We had a talk from someone at the Real Nappy network at our antenatal class last night and I just wondered if anyone here has any experience of using the flat cloth bamboo nappies? I had initially been put off cloth nappies because of the initial start up costs of the shaped nappies and didn't like the thought of using cotton terry nappies because I think they feel a bit rough. I had never heard of bamboo flat nappy cloth and was really amazed by how soft they felt and also how non-bulky they were. The woman demonstrated a couple of folds (which she made the OH's do) and they seemed pretty simple. The best thing about them was that I've now found them on a website for £2.55 each which is far better than the price of shaped cloth nappies for around £6 per nappy.

Has anyone used them? What did you think? Also I don't have a tumble drier which has always slightly worried me about getting them dry in time. We were planning to use the Nature Babycare Eco-disposables anyway and probably still will if we are out and about, just for ease.

The woman said that keeping a baby in disposables will easily cost about £900 approx from birth to potty and that makes these bamboo terry cloth nappies an amazing saving. I'm still not entirely convinced but I am leaning that way!
I use cotton prefolds most of the time and think they're great. I got a birth to potty set on ebay (brand new) for less than £50. I haven't used bamboo flat nappies but have a couple of Tots Bots bamboozles. They are great, excellent absorbency wise but they do take a long time to dry - about 48 hours in my house. The cotton prefolds are usually dry overnight.
We didn't know if meconium would stain (it doesn't) and didn't want to ruin the nappies with it so for the first couple of days we folded muslins. I knew this was my plan and I had no problem folding and putting on the nappy. Everyone else did thou - OH and midwives. It seemed obvious to me - fold in to triangle, fasten with nappi nippa - but it wasn't obvious to others. She's worn a muslin as a nappy once since then when she dirtied her last clean cloth nappy when we were visiting my parents. We did have emergency eco disposables (tushies) but I really didn't want her to have the discomfort of a disposable. My mum and OH both failed to put it on her (and they are generally very competent people) so I did it.

The purpose of this long explanation was to say that if you leave your child with anyone else they may not be able to change your baby's nappy.

We don't have a tumble drier so we use tots bots fluffles, which dry really well! Far better than anything else we've tried.
have to agree that the bamboo does take an age to dry - and I have a tumble dryer. However they are really soft and so much less bulkier than some of the others that you can get. Sounds a really good price - might be worth buying a few more than normally recommended to compensate for the drying time.
Thanks for the replies ladies :D I may buy a couple of these bamboo flat cloths first to check out drying time, as they are very thin and so should be faster than the bamboozles drying wise. I think OH will be fine with the folding as he did pretty well at the antenatal class :D
flat nappies as in squares? the old fasioned type? i ahve some terry towelling squares..9.99 for a pack of 6 in mothercare.. and they dont go rough at all.. they take about 2 hrs to dry on the line so its next to nothing.. they arnt rough at all.. and you can use fleece liners if you are worried about them getting rough..im quite taken with the squares.. although they are tricky to do up with a bungy jumping baby like mine..(legs everywhere) i have squares as back ups. if we have had a pooey day then the squares are used as emergency nappies instead of going to get spozies.. they work jsut as well as a shapped nappy.. but arnt as convienient..(due to the time its takes to fold them then get them fitting right) you could try getting some 2nd hand nappies of you are worried they are gonna be to expensive.. i have some size ones for sale in the buy and sell section i have wraps for sale for £1 each (newborn) and size one nappies for 4-5 quid incl postage.. if you wanted to make me an offer for a bundle id happily accept.. :)
I was a bit worried about not having a tumble dryer (i use cotton prefolds) but have not found it to be a problem. I have an indoor line which I use if I can't hang out, but on the line outside they only take a couple of hours. I use the Nature Babycare one's as well if we are away and they are fine, but there are difinate savings on the reusables - I got a birth to potty kit for £125 and have only needed to supplement with a couple of absorbant boosters for nighttime because my LO sleeps for 14 hours. I can usually use a quick wash programme on the washing machine, and haven't noticed much of an increase in my electricity bill. Now Charlotte's brother or sister is coming along and I can reuse them all again!
Thanks for the replies :D

Lisa, yes the terry squares. I was really taken with the bamboo terry squares that we were shown as the are so thin and soft in comparison to the terry cloth originals. Apparently they are quite new (according to the nappy network lady). I've found them here and they look a good price so think I will give them a go :D I do love the look of the shaped nappies so I'll check out your auction, thanks :)

Andreag thanks for letting me know that not having a tumble dryer isn't a problem. If worse comes to worse in the winter, I can nip round my Mum and Dads and use theirs ;)
I use terry squares and they dry within 4 hours on my clothes airer. I wouldn't have thought bamboo one's would take much longer :)
flatties dry in no time.. they r great.. tbh i use them as my emergencys i dont have any spozies in my house.. i just use flats if im desperate..you could always get some dylon dye and dye them to for a bit of snaz :D

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