Flame - and anyone else with eating issues!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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Hi Flame and everyone else, I am a little worried at the moment about Thomas, he has always been a brilliant eater, would try anything and always ate quickly as he loved his food.

In december he got this norovirus thing and obviously went off his food, he was poorly for over a week and in that time would eat little although he always drank his milk and juice, he then had about two days where he seemed back to normal but he then got the cold, since then - which is just over a week ago, he has stopped eating again, he will eat a biscuit, or a bit of toast and will have his porridge, but he kicks up whenever we go near him with something looking like a proper meal, he just will not eat! This sounds very similar to what you went through Flame, how did you get Leif to eat again? Anyone else have any advice? How long will I wait till I go to the doctor? This is really stressing me out as I loved that he was so into his food and I cannot bear fussy eaters!!!
That sounds exactly the same as what we went through with Leif, poor little man.

The only way we dealt with it was to make sure he had plenty of formula and i tried him on the smaller jars, puds first cause he has a really sweet tooth, then the smaller jars of main, eventually we bought the bigger jars back in again and let him eat as much as he wanted to then topped him up with milk, eventually he started having his proper full jars again, but its only been for the last couple of weeks he has started eating properly again.

Just let him eat what he wants and keep trying to bring things back in gradually. Obviously try juice and water to.

Hope that helps and he gets back to normal soon. :D
Thanks Flame, he absolutely loves his juice and also drinks three eight ounce bottles a day so I am pleased with his fluid intake!

Today he has had his porridge then half a jar at lunchtime followed by a whole pot of fruitapura then he had two biscuits at snack time then the rest of the jar and a chocolate biscotti so I think we are on the mend, I really hope so it worries the life out of me!
Isaac's gone right off jarred food, it was worrying and stressful but now I offer and if he says no, I bin it, and he eats 'our' food. Today he had toast and boiled eggs, pasta and cheese and a cheese and onion crisp :lol:

I was talking to my HV about how stressful weaning can be, but its not, if you listen to your LO and go with them, not always easy if you're worried mind. Sorry to barge in, but wanted to say I do hope you and your boys are well :hug:
thanks redshoes, I think you are right, it doesn't have to be stressful as all, I might take a more relaxed approach to it now :hug:
WOW, hannah is EXACTLY the same right now... she also has a cold. Shes driving me mad, i feel she isnt eating enough (even tho only a month ago i was complaining she ate too much :wall: :rotfl: )

Right now all she will ever eat is bananna and rusks.
Two big hits I've found with Isaac are Weetabix and Cheerios, also any biscuit type foods, such as biscotti's.

I'm going to try him with squares of hard cheese next and some garlic bread which seem to be popular.

Very best wishes ladies, I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one to think weaning is stressful :hug:
Oh no r&j it's awful isn't it? I hope Hannah starts to eat, it is so bizarre that they are going through this, maybe they are full with all the snot!? Thomas has done quite well today, he has had his porridge half a jar and fruit for lunch, half a jar and a biscuit and a fruit pot and four chocolate buttons for tea so I am hoping we have turned a corner on it, fingers crossed for Hannah :hug:

Try not to fret too much. Nicola (now 15 months) didn't eat hardly anything from boxing day til virtualy 3/4th Jan when her appetite started to increase slowly. She is only just back to normal. She had a rotton cold and was cutting 4 of the big back teeth. 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom.

I made sure she had plenty of water and offered her more milk which she wanted.

As far as the food went I just offered her it and if she didn't want it I took it away. I didn't want to make too much of a fuss because I thought it might make it worse in the long wrong.

I think they sometimes go through this but as long as they are keeping their fluids up they should be fine.

Its hard cos you worry so much, but I am sure Thomas will be eating well again soon.
Thanks Sahara, yesterday was a bad day, he didn't really want anything, but today he did really well, so at least he is having some good days!

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