first timer


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Hello All,
This is my first day on this site and I'm bowled over by how helpful everyone is. I've spent ages scrolling through sections and am finding it all very fascinating. I've posted some messages already but with hindsight think I should have asked my question here so here goes again!
My period is due on May 7th. On Friday last I first developed symptoms of pregnancy. My breasts were really sored. I actually had to wear a sports bra for the weekend to ease the discomfort. My tummy was really bloated. My husband noticed that little small white lumps had developed around my nipples and I now have 9 around each. I've also got thrush and since yesterday have gone off coffee. Can anyone tell me if I can develop Montgomery's tubercles without being pregnant?
I'm desperate to know!
:D Hi S,
I dont want to get your hopes up but it sounds to me like you're pregnant, you have the symptoms!
I know its difficult but if you're not due AF til 7th May then you'll have to wait to take a test otherwise you may get a false result from testing too early.
Keep us posted wont you!
Good luck,
Jools xxx
Hi S

How are things going at your side?Any new developments?

I tried testing today but got BFN.My stomach pains,cramps are still not going.Infact i've become very gastric lately.I am so damn confused whether its just stomach upset or am i PG?
Hi Nimisha,
It's nice to hear from you. I wouldn't get too disheartened. I suspect it's too early for either of us to check. I don't know about you but I'm shattered all the time. Coffee smells like an ashtray to me at the moment and I'm normally addicted to the stuff. I had some very light spotting - nearly unnoticably - on Sunday which I think could be implantation. How are you feeling? Your symptoms sound spot on to me but try to be patient even though it's really frustrating.
Keep me posted.
Hi S

Even i did have a somewhat dirty discharge on sunday evening.Same as you say "unnoticable".It was somewhat pinkish i think,just a drop.Dont know whether it was actually IB or my imagination showing me things.

Are you feeling gastric?I am not averted to any food till now but i do get very strong smells which my husband says was not there or very mild smell.I feel very hungry at times but when i start eating i feel full in a few bites.Today i had an afternoon nap of almost 3 hrs.Never slept like this before.

What are the latest changes your side?Anything peculiar you noticed?

Keep me posted. :(
I so hope you're pregnant because your symptoms are so strong. I'm pretty gastric too and have cravings for pears and bananas! It's all quite weird isn't it? My husband jokingly said he would ban me from searching the internet because I came upon etopic pregnancy last night and was sure I had the symptoms even though I don't really. I had some discomfort over the weekend on my left side which is supposed to be a sign but I'd be in severe pain if I had it. It happens when the egg gets embedded in the fallopian tube and you have to terminate because it can't grow there or be transplanted into the uterus. I didn't sleep half the night thinking about it. It's very stupid of me but I guess you become so intuned to your body and worry lots about what's happening. I pulled a muscle in my back on Sunday so am pretty uncomfortable all round. I envy you being able to sleep. Even though I'm exhausted I haven't slept properly in two weeks. Another symptom I have is lots of discharges. Sometimes I run to the loo thinking my period is on the way and it's not.
Good luck!

I hope too that i am PG and so are you.Our AF is due on the same day and also we have almost the same symptoms.When are you planning to test?
I am not having any discharge as of now either.Is it a must coz if it is then i am definitely out of the que.Although i do feel it coming but when i check it out its clean. :cry:
I'm probably going to test with First Response on Friday morning. Make sure you test first thing. The instructions with Clearblue is that you can test any time but I gather you get the best reading when you do it first thing. My period is offically due on Sunday but it's been 27 days these past few months so i'm assuming it will arrive on Saturday.
Anything interesting happening with you?
No.Again tried this morning but got a BFN :cry:

I am so damn tensed up.My AF is due tomorrow and i just hope it does not turn up.My breasts are so badly hurting as i write.Its like a needle being pierced.

Any news at your end?Hope you get the result you want so much.Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.
Like you I succumbed and did a test with First Response and it turned out to be negative. I was actually cross with myself for doing it because I did one before and felt so low afterwards and promised not to do one again until my period was due. Oh well we're only human.
Keeping everything crossed for us both! I feel lousy today as I have a cold and sore back. I feel very queasy but think this is the cold.
Keep me posted.
It's kind of nice to know we're in this together. I feel really tearful and emotional today. How are you?
Hi S!
My name Is Danielle. May I ask where you are from. If your from the uk. You can now buy test what you can use from upto 4days before your period is due. Maybes you might want to get one of those to ease your mind. You said that you have small white dots on your nipples. Montogomerys did you say!
I am 9wks and 5days pregnant, For some bizarre reason I have about 9 on one nipple and 0 on the other. Is there something to be worried about? Does any1 know?
Danielle x
Hi Danielle,
Thanks for replying to my message. I don't think you need to be worried about the little lumps on your breasts - they're just a sign that the pregnancy hormone is present in your body. I read on one website that for many doctors it's the only indication they need to diagnose pregnancy. if you want to read more about them they're called Montgomery's Tubercles, I think!
I tried First Response this morning and it was negative. i think that's why I'm so weepy today. I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant because of all the symptoms I have - the discharges were really bad yesterday - but I just want to know!
I've got a cold and back ache and am feeling really miserable today. Did you feel emotional like this very early on?
I didn't do the test first thing. Do you think that would have made a difference?
Hi S!
I felt so emotional it was unreal. Do not worry. Pleas there is still hope. My sis is Due the same time as me. Her period was due the 28th and she took a test 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 and they were all negative!
She then went to the gp in the 2nd and he took a blood test and that come back positive. People produce the pregnancy hormones at all different times and in different amounts. So dont worry be happy and be patient. I am sure everything will be fine.
The thing I hate about being pregnant the same time as my sis. Is for some reason. I have a tiny little bump that looks like jelly- she is blossoming well. I have bad sickness all day everyday and she is fine, Trust the worst to happen to me eh!
But keep your chin up and go to your gp. You will defo get a result from there.
Keep intouch
Danielle x
What a lovely reply. Thank you. I'm sure your sister will have days when she doesn't feel quite so glowly and you'll have blooming days too. I tell you Danielle if the next 8 months are the same as the past 3 weeks it's not going to be all fun for me either. I'm never felt so weird or tired in my whole life.
Thanks for the support. It means a lot on a day like today. I think this forum is fantastic. Do you think my back ache could be another symptoms? I thought maybe I'd pulled a muscle
Hi S!
Maybes your back ache could be a pulled muscle but I could not tell you. I advise you go to the doctors. I went to the hospital for my 1st scan 3 days ago. I have the pics. But for some reason i cant upload them. If you have an email address maybes i can send them to you. But It might make you fell a little better knowing that there is still light at the end of the tunnel!

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