First time you felt baby move (first babys)


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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just wondered about how far you were when you first felt your 1st baby move?

i know everyone's different, and 2nd + babys are normally earlier

im just being massively impatient i know :oops: :oops:
Hi there!
I felt what I can only describe as "pops" in my belly at about 16 weeks +. (unsure whether this was wind sometimes! :oops:

I've been feeling some kick since about week 21+ but they are softer than I expected I guess! Probably pack more of a punch when the weeks go on! :lol:

dont worry, wont be long for you now!
lol i know it wont, im just a nightmare when it comes to waiting for things!

keep getting a rumbly tummy when im hungry and have to stop for a second cos im hoping its baby move :oops: :oops: :oops: had a funny 'pop' a couple of nights when i've settled into bed
lisaspoon said:
Hi there!
I felt what I can only describe as "pops" in my belly at about 16 weeks +. (unsure whether this was wind sometimes! :oops:

I've been feeling some kick since about week 21+ but they are softer than I expected I guess! Probably pack more of a punch when the weeks go on! :lol:

dont worry, wont be long for you now!

im too the same, thought it was going to feel alot more stronger. only feel the momevments every now and then. still too soft for other people to feel yet :dance:
I first felt a funny popping sensation at about 18 weeks, and at 20 weeks as we were about to go on holiday (planes engines were revving ready for take off), baby suddenly started dancing in my stomach as if he was excited too :D .
This then carried on everyday, but only felt movement maybe once or twice a day.

At 22 weeks he started getting a lot more active, and for the past couple of weeks you can see my stomach move when he kicks, and he moves constantly (I feel him moving at least 5 times a day for 10-15 at a time), but only when Im sitting down, or trying to sleep. My hubby can also feel his kicks, but that has only been in the last few days, and his kicks/punches can be quite painful now!

My MW told me quite often it can be 22 weeks, or even as late as 24 weeks before movement can be felt!
It was 16 weeks with my first- we were at a loud electronica gig and I was kind of sitting bent over my tummy (it was in an old cinema) and I felt bubbles although I knew I wasn't windy if you know what I mean! We think it was the low bass sounds playing very loudly and the way I was sitting. Then once or twice in the next week and then it was more definite. This time it was 16 weeks again but a kick not a popping, apparently that's because you have no stomach muscles the next time round- at least that's what my mw said!

With Brody I felt popping from about 16 weeks but no definate movement until about 19-20 weeks.
i was about 19 weeks when i felt the popping and then from 21 weeks she used to do massive tidal wave movemtns all over my tummy especialy when i went to the cinema, think it was the vibrations. she was a big baby too so my stomach used to visibly move from 21 weeks lol x
At around 20 weeks for me :) for a nice baby movement which i couldnt mistake for wind :lol:
Mine was also 16 weeks and I am pregnant for the first time (with twins!). Feels like fluttering for me :)
I first felt baby about 17 weeks but it was very rarely and wasnt sure if it was LO first of all. Felt it alot more since 18 weeks but it always seems to be around the same times every day
I as going to ask a question about how often i should be feeling movements but you wonderful people have already touched on the subject.

I've been feeling little movements for just over a week now but they aren't very often at all. Usually only once or twice a day. Not sure if thats just because you are busy doing other things so don't notice them or whether i have a lazy baby. Stuart says it takes after me always sleeping :lol: .

Hope you start to feel things soon.

Grace xx
Mine was last week (15 weeks) on the plane.

Kinda like a nervous or butterfly feeling but lower down. I explained it to mum and she said is was the baby.

Im so amazed everytime i feel it now xx
21 weeks and nothing yet...see my earlier post 'Should i get a doppler?'


I felt my first move at 22 weeks, my 2nd at 19 weeks and i felt tia at around 14-15 weeks.

I have felt the first flutters already with this one but if i didnt know what to expect i dont think i would of noticed it to be baby tbh

Im sure you will feel something pretty soon :hug: :hug:
around 20 weeks, then i had my scan and knew it was def baby as i could feel it in correspondence.

i wouldnt worry too much, i worried cause people seem to be feeling them really early but my placenta is at the front covering baby so it cusions movement and makes it harder to feel :)
chelsea said:
..........but my placenta is at the front covering baby so it cusions movement and makes it harder to feel :)

the same for me! :D
i am now feeling more movement but my placenta is also over the front so this cushions babys blows! :lol:
i initially felt fluters in my tummy and didnt know whether it was baby or not as so subtle and over by the time i paid more attention,i am getting more definate movements now but nothing major to see my tummy move yet! :doh:
I was 15/16 weeks when I first started to feel the popping, grumbling, butterflies whatever your preference is. Bump moves about a lot now I'm 20 and a bit weeks, have felt her/him kicking for a few weeks but it's definately getting stronger this last week.

Not to sound pathetic but has anyone else found it quite sore? Occationally when bump decides to do what I think is a sommersalt it can be really quite sore. Lord knows what it will feel like by full term, think ours is going to be a rugby player!
shesmurf said:
I was 15/16 weeks when I first started to feel the popping, grumbling, butterflies whatever your preference is. Bump moves about a lot now I'm 20 and a bit weeks, have felt her/him kicking for a few weeks but it's definately getting stronger this last week.

Not to sound pathetic but has anyone else found it quite sore? Occationally when bump decides to do what I think is a sommersalt it can be really quite sore. Lord knows what it will feel like by full term, think ours is going to be a rugby player!

Just as I was reading this my little monster gave me an almightly whack, so yes sometimes it really hurts - Im sure he also uses my bladder as a punch bag, as on occasions I have so much pressure down there, with such an urge to pee!!

Bless our bumps..... :D

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