First time you felt baby move (first babys)

Had our second can yesterday (which was totally amazing :cheer:) so quizzed the MW about some bump movement being quite sore so early on. She said it's pretty normal to have what feels like period cramps as I get that a least once a day when bump is manoevering and apparently the baby can hit nerves sometimes which I've also had. He/she is incredibly active though. The MW was having a hard time looking at all the bits she needed to as it wouldn't stay still :)

Also listened to my fetal monitor the other day which sounds completely different now than a couple of weeks ago as baby is swimming around in the sac. Sounds like a pool party in their :D
I felt flutterings about 2 weeks ago (just before week 18)
2 days ago I was propped up on the sofa with hubby and felt a real kick or punch which really jolted and suprised me, however nothing since then.

I also find listening on the doppler really reassuring. I tend to listen about every 3rd day or so.
I was 20 weeks (21+4 now! - ticker is wrong!) It feels like bubbles and every now and then a big bubble that feels like its moving under your skin?!!
I felt popping and bubbles, flutters and rumbles from wk 15. And then last week, I was sitting in a strange position on the sofa and I felt a wave from one side to the other. I hadn't been sure before then, I was putting the sensations down to indigestion and wind but since last week, I've felt movement pretty much day every. Usually around 6pm. I reckon it's bub anticipating dinner :wink:

I bought a doppler last week too. Didn't want to wait until my next antenatal appointment to hear the heartbeat. Twas amazing 8)
funny that i was sat in a funny position the other day and thought i felt a little, kinda ripple, not felt anything else yet. saying that flump was pretty damn lazy at the 12 week scan so i shouldnt really be surprised lol

im currently thinking my 20 week scan will arrive before any movement lol
claire_louise said:
funny that i was sat in a funny position the other day and thought i felt a little, kinda ripple, not felt anything else yet. saying that flump was pretty damn lazy at the 12 week scan so i shouldnt really be surprised lol

im currently thinking my 20 week scan will arrive before any movement lol

My LO was so lazy at my 12 week scan too. She was kinda tucked all snuggly and didnt really wanna move for the sonographer, took some jiggling from me to get her too move :lol:

But i have to say once she started to get moving around in there she didnt stop and she is still a right fidget now :lol:
my LO wouldnt move lol kept moving its arms about but just sat there with its feet up as if to say 'would like like to be poked and jiggled about lol'

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