first time mummy to be's

haha, looks like everyone goes through this part, I like to call my in-laws the "outlaws" haha, they don't know i'm pregnant yeat and dreading telling them as my mother in law works in the maternity unit as nurse (and is also baby gaga) so she is going to have PLENTY of advice for me i'm sure. eeek, i shall just enjoy the peace while it lasts :)
the only negative comments i got is when i first told my parents i was pregnant but now the shock has passed they seem much happyer about it
i get this mainly from OH's sisters, not in a malicious way, they just want to give their opinions, but some points i dont agree with but for arguments sake keep schtum about,when baby is here things will be done the way me and OH want, after all everyone needs to learn from their own mistakes!xx
This is my first and I'm having a homebirth. My family have been great and really supportive. It's one friend who's really upset me and a couple of women at work claiming I am being selfish and putting my child's life at risk.

Also, we;ve been doing hypnobirthing and so far it's really helped me chill, helped mine and hubby's relationship and I'm really hoping and praying it helps with the birth. The amount of people who've said I'm being stupid and "just take the drugs" makes me want to scream.

Fuck off the lot of them!

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