First social event since...

Zoe S

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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I'm off to my cousins wedding in Shropshire next weekend and it will be the first time I see everyone there since my mmc, I was very open about the fact I was pregnant with everyone so they all know its happened.
They have a few friends going who are heavily pregnant and one girl is due same day I was,
I was dreading it but was still going because my mum and dad were going and now they have pulled out because my dad has had his op date through for the day before!
So naturally I'm feeling sick with nerves about it I'm not sure how I'm going to be and don't want to spoil anything and my first time being in a crowded room of people who know!
To top it off my hubby is still away so I don't even have my plus one with me to be a comfort and help with my emotions
Anyone else had to do something like this when they didnt feel ready advise for the day would be much appreciated! Xxx
No advice sorry as I struggle with being around people so much at the moment. Do you have a friend who could go with you maybe as your plus one? Hope it's not to bad for you xxx
No the invite was for me and hubby plus most my friends husbands are away and they have kids.. I was lucky to get invited to the whole thing as they had limited numbers and a lot of family and friends, but right now I'm not feeling so lucky! :( x
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Hope it goes ok Zoe, every time you feel a wobble take a deep breath and think of something good - like your little one playing in heaven with all of its new friends like Lilmisshopeful said in another thread.

I've got my best friends wedding next Saturday and that will be my first social event since little Leo came and left my life. Like you I'm filled with dread and I'd hate to think I'll put a dampener on what is supposed to be a day of happiness. It's going to be an emotional day anyway as the grooms mother passed away unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago.

It will be hard but remember even though your OH can't be with you, you're not alone. We will have your back and will be thinking of you.

Thanks gem I might be sat at the functions writing on here trying to get support as I have an odd feeling that I'm not gunna know as many people as my auntie thinks I do!
I kind of expressed how I was feeling yesterday and was told you'll be fine there will be lots of people you know as if that's guna make me feel so much better!

Well if either of us start to feel wobbly at the weddings we will just have to post in here for each others help kind of like a distant support? Xxx
I think that's a great idea, I'll check in here and see how you're doing - we'll get through it. I'm still filled with dread about facing people but it can't be avoided forever and maybe something beautiful and special like a wedding is a good place to start.

Every little thing is proving to be so hard - I took some maternity clothes back to New Look in the week and I broke down in tears, poor sales girl didn't know what to make of it. Just smiled and said she hoped my day gets better. All we can do is one day at a time - people may not know what to say but they will know its hard for you and sometimes just a smile or a hug helps.

Stay strong xx
Ahh I didn't bother taking any of my maternity clothes back they are in a draw in my little spare room which I call the soon to be worn draw! My hubby thinks I'm crazy but I just can't part with them I even offered them to one of my friends who is pregnant and struggling for clothes and later her told that I was sorry but I couldn't part with them I'm like a bloody hoarder! Luckily she understood!xx

Yes sounds good we will just keep checking in we may not need support in the end but good to know we have it if we need it! So hard facing everyone but like you said we can't hide forever and maybe a wedding is the starting point! I've just had to buy a new dress last minute as only decided to definitely go yesterday and the dress I originally brought was a maternity one as I was quite big at just 5 weeks you could tell I was pregnant! Xxx
How you doing Zoe?

I'm feeling ok so far today but the wedding isn't until 3.30.

Keep strong and take lots of deep breaths. Don't feel like you can't step away for a few minutes to gather your thoughts if you need to. Nobody will think badly of you

hey hunni sorry ive just left the church! Feeling very emotional but trying to keep it together but it causing me to have a headache! Hope your doing ok Hun!? Xx
so i got to the reception and had to run off to the loo to cry and try and compose myself blubbing mess right now xx
I'm doing ok - every time I think I'm about to break I think about something tedious like grouting the lichen tiles!!

Hope you're ok xx
ahh i wish i could! Not doing to bad right now though i haven't had any alcohol yet! Glad your doing ok though! Xx
I've had way too much to drink and am
Fighting the tears. Just had dinner so heading home soon. Are you doing ok now? Deep breaths xx
ahh no i tried to keep away from it so i didn't get to emotional think ive been less since i had some helps they have same photographer as the one i had at my wedding who is also a good friend so she cheered me up abit i don't think i will be leaving till the end! :( xx
thanks lilmisshopeful I'm trying to keep it together but don't know if it will last we will see! Xx
I'm at home now. I fell apart when the brides mother pulled me aside and said she'd been through something similar. I appreciate she meant well but it wasn't what I needed.

Keep smiling Zoe, you can do it xxxxxxxx
ive cheered up now as my cousin bumped into me when i was going outside to cry so decided at that point it wasn't fair for me to be miserable on his day when he was going through alot on mine smiles are back on my face until at least midnight thank you for your support today it really helped! Xxxxx
I'm at home now. I fell apart when the brides mother pulled me aside and said she'd been through something similar. I appreciate she meant well but it wasn't what I needed.

Keep smiling Zoe, you can do it xxxxxxxx

Oh hunny I really do feel for you. This is by far the hardest thing you will ever do and even going today makes you a very brave woman. I hope now your home you can relax and calm down. Let the tears fall then take a deep breath and congratulate yourself for what you managed to do today. Hugs xxx
thank you gemlou for your support today you will ne pleased to know i managed to make it through to the end and im glad i did! I'm sorry u had it rougher than me i hope your ok!?? XxXx

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