first signs of labour....


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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thought it would be quite fun/interesting to see what your ladies FIRST symptoms of labour were....

all the books/doctors can say what they expect but im wondering what actual symptoms you have experienced and how far in advance you felt them.....

thought it would also give us ladies near our due dates a better idea of what to look out for :)

with my 1st it was contractions every 7 mins. No pre warning. Was induced wth 2nd x
Mine was a bit confusing.

The fri night I was very very uncomfy (but put it down to too much dancing!)

All day sat was fine, had a show on sat evening, but didnt think it was enough to be whole plug, and it wasnt bloody. some tightenings without a pattern, and was trying to work out if I'd peed myself, or my waters had gone.

Sunday went to see mw but she said false alarm. Apparently it was watery discharge. No more pains

Monday I had cabin fever, needed to get outta the house almost from moment I got up. Some tightenings in the afternoon, but ok.

Tuesday had definite contractions, but no pattern. Brought DH home from work and went to mw at 11am, but she couldn't reach my cervix. Contractions at various intervals all day, so DH and I did lots of walking. Went to bed at 11pm as still no pattern, woke at 2am for a mad dash to MLU cos I was in agony.

I never had the nesting, or more active bowels, and no idea when my waters went.

This was my first.
Woke at 3am with contractions every 5-10mins, no warning at all and was so frequent because she was sideways so was contracting like that for 48 hours until she was born
Ooh interested to keep in on this thread. Was induced with my 1st & plan is to induce me in 2 weeks with this baby. But hoping he comes naturally so will be interesting to read others symptoms just in case :) xxx
Didn't lose plug or anything. Thought my waters went but got told it wasn't. Just started having contractions every 5 or 6 mins lasting about 1 to 1 and a half mins each. From start of contractions to birth was just over 6 hours. Very quick and very sudden!
with my daughter my waters went at 3:30am went to hospital they said i was 2cm but i had no pain, spent the whole day till 8 at night walking around till my family went home then about 9pm i had a sharp pain then i was getting them about every 7 -5 mins apart. Midwife checked me and i was 4 cm so went to labour ward and when i was 7 cm i was told her heart rate was dropping so i had to have emergency c section she was born about 12:45 am

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