First Scan


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow and still haven't heard from the hospital about my first scan :eh: My midwife said it would take a while, but I'm starting to think this is getting a bit long!

Any advice?

Im not sure if areas work differently in this respect, but that does seem welllllll long!! I went and saw my midwife when i was 9 weeks and then a week later i got a letter from the hospital about my 12 week scan... had that last week and got a letter yesterday booking in my 20 week scan!!
defo should call them up and find out whats going on!!! xxx
ISH will yours be at NNUH??

I rang them yesterday as I hadn't heard anything and they gave me my dtae over the phone!!!

Am booked in for 20th July!!

If you ring the main number 01603 286286 and ask for Antenatal Ultrasound CLINIC I'm sure they will help you out hun, they were so very nice wen I spoke to them yesterday!!!
Thanks so much, Cazza <3 Yes, it will be at the NNUH. I spoke to mw today and she said she'd chase it up for me, hopefully it's soon!
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Hope you get a date soon hun, how frustrating.

Hope you get a date soon, how frustrating waiting this long. x
Aaaaaargh!!! MW promised she'd get back to me today and nothing yet :( I've already got a phobia of medical people and institutions, it's really not helping that she's being so careless...
Just ring them sweetie......they really are lovely and very helpful!!
Will do asap, thanks so much for letting me know you could talk to them directly. I thought I had to rely on MW alone, well thank God it's not the case!
I feel so sorry for you! I am now feeling very lucky as mine came through today after just 2 days of waiting! I couldn't believe it.

Keep ringing and hassling people hun, you deserve to know what is going on!
Apparently the hospital never got my application for a scan from the midwife - i.e. she probably FORGOT to send it!!!!!!
I should get my appointment in the next few days, but I am very unimpressed and would rather eat my socks than have to deal with that MW again.
oh no I hope they priorotise you hun else you could be waiting a few weeks...thats so annoying, make sure the same doesnt happen with your 20 week scan. I would be fuming.
Sorry to hear that, I had the opposite - my GP forgot to send a note to MW so i had to ring everyone to get it sorted, fx you get it in the next couple of days, do pester them
If I don't get it next week I am determined to go private, and I told MW as much, but she assured me it won't be the case.
Finally got my date, it's July 19th - baby is going to be so old we might see if it's team blue or pink! LOL!
Ooooh the day before me ISH!!!

I thought of you when they gave me the date x I knew yours was very close!
Great news you got your date, really these midwifes and there paperwork!

Good luck and enjoy on the 19th - don't forget some money for your piccys
Money? Thanks SO much for letting me know, I never have any cash on me!

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