First scan today and I'm terrified


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
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When I imagined being pregnant, I always thought I would be really excited about going to scans but I have my first one today and I am absolutely terrified.

I've hardly slept all weekend and my morning sickness has gone from bad to worse. I'm not sure if that's to do with being worried but I had stated to feel a bit better and was only being sick a couple of times a day, mostly in the evenings but I'm now being sick about every two hours and feeling awful the rest of the time. Not just nauseous but shaky. lightheaded and lethargic too.

I'm at work until my appointment this afternoon, don't know how I'm going to get through the morning.

Sorry for the whingy post, I think I just need to tell someone how worried I am.
I know exactly how you feel, I am feeling the same. My scan is this afternoon, and I had a terrible sleep last night. I feel so sick this morning as well. Good luck, I am sure all will be fine. I will be thinking of you. It must be common to feel like this if we both feel the same way x
dont be worried its a great experience just remember this will be the first time you see your little one and they are also great for reasurance - even if god forbid they see anything they are not happy with they can deal with it straight away.

enjoy the moment and treasure it as it only last 5 mins xxxx
Aww Rachyryan, we've got our scans on the same day and are due on the same day. I'll be thinking of you too hun. Hopefully we'll both be back on here this evening raving about how great it was and posting pics of our little beans. xxx
Yeah fingers crossed. This morning is just dragging in though. Fed up waiting around now I just want it to be time to go.
best wishes to both of you, let us know how you get on xx
Hope it goes well for both of you lovelies xxxx
My scan is in a few weeks and I'm going to be just as nervous! Don't worry though, it's going to be an amazing experience and you'll be on a high afterwards. Good luck :) x

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