First scan this morning!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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I have my first scan this morning. I am really, really nervous & I don't know why. Well I think it's because I had both babies in UK and this time I'm doing it in Germany & I have no idea what to expect!

I also keep dreaming every night that I am expecting twins,with the extreme nausea and extreme tiredness I am having it's had to not think that. I only bargained for 1 baby :lol:

I am 10+1 today and I am so scared they are going to push my dates back, although I am quite sure on my dates because I cannot feel this nauseu anymore! :oooo:

Wish me luck girls! I need some relaxation methods. Still got an hour till we leave!

Stacey xxx
Good luck hunny make sure you let us know how it goes. We will all be thinking of you :) xx
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My sister lived in Germany until October and she much preferred it over there than here. Everything was so much better, including medical treatment so I'm sure you'll be fine :)
Good luck xxx
My sister lived in Germany until October and she much preferred it over there than here. Everything was so much better, including medical treatment so I'm sure you'll be fine :)
Good luck xxx

That's weird as everybody I have spoken to have prefferred giving birth over here to, due to it generally being a much better experience than n NHS hospital! Medical treatment better, they treat you with great respect and don't just leave you to get on with it. So I am taking everyones advice and going to enjoy the experience, just the fear of the unknown! :) xx
Good luck with the scan Im sure everything will be fine, let us know how you get on xxxx
Good luck, look forward to hearing how you got on....& how many babies you've got in there!! :|

Good luck, I hope everything goes well. Can't wait to hear all about it xxx
Good luck hon can't wait to see your pics! x x
Hiya girls, all went well. They put my date back by 5 days. So I am now due 25th October! Everything is ab fab fine. I go back in 3 weeks for another scan and some swabs and a smear!

I also got some suppositories to help with nausea and they are fab! YAY! xxx

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