First period


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Dear god, i think i must be making up for 9 months worth of no periods! It's ridiculously heavy (sorry TMI) but luckily hasn't been too painful. Jack is only six weeks old so it's returned quite quickly really, but i haven't BF and i had him by c-section (not sure if that makes a difference).

Anyone else had a particularly troublesome first period after birth? xx
Mine started last monday 6 weeks post c section and i'm changing tampons and pads (having to use both) every 2 hours and its painful, resorted to maternity pads again as well. I had to run to the bathroom this morning on waking up, had blood down both legs and got it all over cream carpet, was in a right mess. Sorry if TMI, hoping it goes soon, it's vile! :( x
Bless you hun. Don't know why it's so heavy, mine were never like this before. I hope it stops soon cos i'm at a wedding next weekend and was planning on wearing a cream dress! x
Are the first periods after childbirth usually heavy? I got mine 3 months after having Noah and it was actually quite light and shorter then before I got pregnant!
I didn't bleed a lot after the birth and my first period wasn't particularly heavy (no more than before) but I did have 6 periods in 3 months so I suppose that was making up for it lol
I'm so glad i've seen this thread and i'm not alone! I started taking the mini pill before my period started so I hoped it wouldn't start at all. It did though and it's been heavier than i've ever had, even heavier than the bleeding after giving birth. I'm glad it seems like it's normal-ish, I was starting to get worried!
Mines not been half as bad as they were x
2 weeks later its still lingering x
Summer is 9 weeks old and still no bleeding for me? I did bf for 3 weeks and I was bleeding after birth for 3 weeks. Going on holiday next week so hope it doesn't arrive until after that but you know how sods law works!! Xx

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