First Outside Walk?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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this is probably a stupid question but when did you decide to take your baby walking outside for the first time? Mel got his first shoes yesterday and some wellies for the park, he's been walking for 6 weeks now and is pretty good on his feet but still falls over sometimes. I'd like to take him out for a stroll but am worried about him falling/picking up rubbish etc. Any tips? What kind of harness is best and did you practice with that at home first?

I took Jack out walking for the first time yesterday, to pick Emily up from school(took 1/2 hour for 2 min walk :) )
I use these reins ... mRefer=000
They were Emilys :oops:
I found the best thing to do was wrap the rein around my wrist and then just held jacks hand, if he was about to fall i kind of pulled him back like a little puppet lol

If i didn't hold his hand he was going in complete opposite direction to where i wanted to go!!!
Braydon started going on lil walks at bout 3 weeks after he started walking we not go on one every day we dont go far but he loves it
Brody walks around a bit outside, I used to let him crawl about on the grass so his hands got dirty anyway.

We're going over the park this week, I'm just going to put some gloves on him and watch him every second.

I bought his first shoes this week too!
Thanks for the replies guys. It's so exciting isn't it Urchin? I didn't realise that they take a photo of them in their first shoes in Clarks- the photo is of him in mid run towards the lady with a hug grin on his face! Oh the possibilities now you can walk eh? It's like all of the time the world is expanding for them and there's always so much more to explore. When do we lose this sense of wonder? I feel that as a parent now I can kind of feel it again too if you know what I mean?


Ive been taking Kiara but as you say she goes the opisite driection and most of the time fuses when you hold her hand to lead her the other way .
We got Kiaras first pair of proper shoes last week for an early birthday present.
ella was around a year,all part of the fun learning to walk outdoors

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