first lot of results tomorrow....nervous!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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OH made a little deposit to pathology last week and we get the results back tomorrow morning.

I dont know why im so nervous as we're both pretty sure everythings fine with him, but theres a small part of me that is scared - scared for OH more than antything, of how he would take bad news, I know he'd feel guilty.

Ive already told him that whatever happens it wont change the way I feel about him or wanting to be with him forever, and I think he appreciated hearing that even though he's not showing any signs of being worried.

Maybe im just being silly!

Ah well, I'll let you know how we get on!
Of course you feel nervous. Good luck! Time must be dragging like never before. Hope all goes well. xx
Good luck with the results, I've been through all this with DH so any questions just PM me - we've had them done a zillion times in the past year, just remember what ever the result there is still a will and a way. My DH and I are living proof of that. Best of luck, I hope it's a normal count (20+ million).

Nicola xx
Just wanted to say good luck from a fellow welsh chick! so POB LWC CARIAD! all the best honey x
Thanks for your replies everyone, didnt expect any less from you lovely ladies :hug:

Im sure it will all be fine, Im so glad that we are finally getting seen to, im sure the nerves are normal :D

Oh and Jasmine - diolch am eich cefnogaeth!
Dont stress or worry tonight :sleep: am sure everything will be fine

Big Hugs :hug:
aww bless men are so good at pretending they don't worry :roll: it's all so big in thier head though and they take it as a mark of manhood don't they. Like I am a man of great power cuz my spermies swim upbank :rotfl:

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