first jabs / dry skin


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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these aren't really to do with each other but didnt want to make two threads!

zach has his first jabs tomorrow - anything i should know? i want to go and do a bit of shopping afterwards, will he be alright to come? or will he be upset about the whole ordeal?

and, he's also got a load of dry skin all over his forehead, it looks just like cradle cap but it stops just where his hair starts! i slathered on some moisturiser last night and it seems to have helped a bit, should i try some cradle cap shampoo on his forehead?
After the jabs they ask you to wait in the waiting room for 15 mins to check he's not reacted to them before you leave, most babies cry after the jabs so its a good idea to feed them to settle them down in this time, then he'll likely sleep if in the pram so you should get away with a quick shop.

Definately get some calpol, give him it when you get home and again 4 hours later if you feel neccesary. We didn't get any after our 1st lot as he seemed fine but then we woke at 4am to find he had a really high temp so we should have given calpol before to avoid this.

Not sure about the dry skin but im sure the shampoo is ok to try.

Good luck tommorow.xx
this post could have been written by me :shock: :shock:
We have jabs this week and josh has lots of dry skin on his head - ive been using cradle cap shampoo and johnsons moisturiser but not a lot has helped
Shopping should be ok. I took Mills to a cafe afterwards and she was her usual happy self. She didn't cry too much at the actual injection either. I think babies kind of take their queue from their mums, though. If you expect them to be upset and act accordingly, they're much more likely to get upset, than when you stay calm and act normal, bounce them a bit and make them giggle straight away.

That said, she did get grumpy towards the evening and developed a bit of a temperature, but that was solved with a small dose of calpol and cuddles. She was also a bit clingier than usual the next day, although was happy and content in the evening again.
Hiya hun. Firstly, with regards to the dry skin i use johnsons baby oil and thats worked.

With regards to the jabs, Ollie was very quiet afterwards and clingy for about a week! He also had an upset tummy but the doc said it probably was just coincidence but im not so sure. I gave Ollie Calpol when we got back.

I have his 2nd ones this week and im dreading them!

i made sureDylan had a good long feed before going for his jabs so that he wouldnt be hungry, however, in the 15 mins they kkeep you afterwards i let him comfort suck to soothe him a bit. i knew he wasnt hungry so after 5 mins he'd had enough to make him feel a bit better. ask your doctors im sure they'll let you feed him somewhere afterwards for 5 mins.
As i understand it and form my own experience babies will scream for a few mins during and after the injections but then be fine in the next few hours. if they're going to get grouchy it tends to be that evening so i think you'll be fine to do some shopping. i definately agree give him some calpol either just before or just after and then play it by ear, if you out and hes really upset might be worth cutting your shopping short so he can be at home where he feels safe and having lots of mummy cuddles xx
:hug: hugs to you, i remember how upset/worried/anxious i was before the jabs but it really wasnt that bad. just remember its worse for you then it is for Zach xx
he was fine, bless him, only cried when she was actually injecting him - but that scream, my god, it was horrible! they didn't ask me to wait though and when i asked they were like 'oh no, you're fine to leave' :think:
been a bit grouchy and whiney but aside from that he's ok.
oh thats good such a relief when its over isnt it.
Dylan was like that, just keep an eye on his temperature tonight :)
Bet you are pleased thats over, i was a wreck when we took Liam for his. He screamed so bad it was just awful.

Got to go tomorrow for his 2nd injections :( OH coming with us again to hold him as i'm such a softy.

As for Dry Skin on his forehead, Liam had this problem a couple of weeks ago. I rubbed olive oil into the area before bed so that it had all night to work and it worked wonders as its really moisturising and natural. Liam had really dry skin when he was born and the M/W told me to cover him in olive oil after his bath and that was gone in a couple of days too :)

xxxxx :hug:

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