Not sure where to post sorry but just wanted some advice
Got my appointment through the post for a consultation at the fertility centre. Appointment is an hour before I finish work so will likely have to leave work early that day. Problem being my manager is an absolute $£#&;%( I'm actually in the process of putting in a complaint about her. She always asks personal questions so I think if I say I need to leave for an appointment she's going to want to see proof. Because she's a gossiping stirring $^! I don't want her to know and obviously my letter is all about fertility this and fertility that.
Has anyone had this issue? What did you do?
At the moment I'm thinking
1 - ask for a half day (it's a really busy day at work so she COULD say no)
2 - say it's an appointment and photo copy a blacked out version of the letter so she can't see ... but will that cause more interest?
3 - ask the hospital if I can get an appointment card... Problem might be it's a specific fertility centre so I'm worried all their cards will be like "Barron Karen is coming for an appointment" type cards which are so obvious I might aswell have gone with just giving her the letter...
Which leads on to 4 - give her the letter. Let her tell people then make a formal complaint to HR and get her sacked? Lol tempting...
Got my appointment through the post for a consultation at the fertility centre. Appointment is an hour before I finish work so will likely have to leave work early that day. Problem being my manager is an absolute $£#&;%( I'm actually in the process of putting in a complaint about her. She always asks personal questions so I think if I say I need to leave for an appointment she's going to want to see proof. Because she's a gossiping stirring $^! I don't want her to know and obviously my letter is all about fertility this and fertility that.
Has anyone had this issue? What did you do?
At the moment I'm thinking
1 - ask for a half day (it's a really busy day at work so she COULD say no)
2 - say it's an appointment and photo copy a blacked out version of the letter so she can't see ... but will that cause more interest?
3 - ask the hospital if I can get an appointment card... Problem might be it's a specific fertility centre so I'm worried all their cards will be like "Barron Karen is coming for an appointment" type cards which are so obvious I might aswell have gone with just giving her the letter...
Which leads on to 4 - give her the letter. Let her tell people then make a formal complaint to HR and get her sacked? Lol tempting...