First bottle!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Just expressed for the first time and DH gave Isla her first bottle feed and she was fine with it! So nice for DH to be able to feed her :)
I wish my Isla would take a bottle!! I've been trying for weeks now :(
yey! I remeber Owen having his 1st bottle of EBM at 1 month, OH totally loved giving it. I felt so weird and a little sad seeing him happily drink from the bottle!! Silly me!
Must be hard for those bfing mummies out there whose LO wont take a bottle. A good friend of mine has same thing with he LO-he only wants boob all the way!
Ooh I was gonna hang on till Lizzie was 6 weeks but am thinking I might try it earlier - I guess if I leave it too late she might not take a bottle. How many ozs did Isla take from the bottle? And how was she at going back to the breast? I'm really worried about nipple confusion :(
amelia takes ebm from anything lol as her low birth weight she has been having breast and bottle combined as per pedeatricians instruction although she is more or less exclusively breast feeding i still express so i know i could go out if i wanted to xx
i have just expressed some for the first time for Jax about to try him on the bottle now, i want to get him used to having just one bottle per day so that when i go back to work MIL can give him a bottle if he needs it ( i only work for 1 1/2 hours a day).

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