First Baby - when did head engage/start to engage


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
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Hi all,

Just a quick question. I've read that first babys are supposed to engage a bit earlier than on second + pregnancies. This is my first and have just got back from my 36 week midwife appointment (I'm actually 36 +5) and baby's head is still being recorded as 'free' in my notes. LO is head down and head at the pelvis, but I was told this nearly 3 weeks ago at my last appointment.

I'm a bit gutted as I was convinced LO had moved down further.... why is my baby being sooo lazy?!!

also on a side note,.... my urine has been clear until today... I had a trace of glucose... is this ok for this stage of pregnancy or could it lead to a "sweety ban" for the rest of my pregnancy?? :shhh: midwife took bloods for glucose as she was taking them for FBC anyway....
I don't think Angel's head started to engage til around 36 weeks. Then every appointment after that she was still the same. By the time i was 40+ i was only 3/5 engaged. I knew i'd go overdue and i did.
Also i also think at 35-36 weeks i had glucose in my urine. She didn't seem too worried but i had yet another scan a week later so she said i'd get it checked then at my consultant check. It came back clear so don't worry just yet.
Kai was starting to engage by 36 weeks and 3/5 engaged by 37 weeks. Though that doesn't by any means mean they are going to make an early entry, he still didn't come out til 41+1. I wouldn't worry and am sure bubs will start moving, even if it is completely at their own pace :lol:
My LO would pop in and out and didn't fully engage until I went into labour.

I'd not worry too much about it tbh.
mine never went further than 2/5ths and even then he didn't until i was 38 weeks and i gave birth at 38 weeks. even when i was 10cm dilated he still wasn't down properly, i just had to push that little bit more to get him down and out.
my first baby didnt engage until i was already in labour! :shock: she had a large head tho and i have very narrow hips so i just assumed it was too much of a tight squeeze for her and she preferred to stay free!
thanks for your replies ladies :hug: :hug:

seems its a very individual thing,.... i think my LO is just one of the ones who likes swimming about! :lol:
I didn't think they engaged earlier, I thought it was that they engaged closer to labour in future pregnancies :think: Apart from the women here whose babies' didn't engage until labour of course :lol:
My baby never engaged, it was still high until they broke my waters
My baby didn't engage until I was 40+ and then she was only 'fixed at the brim of the pelvis' She fully engaged when I was in active labour.

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