First AF after MC??


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2013
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So I mc around 17th March and got AF yesterday, I read it should be around 4-6 weeks and its only 3, but then again with my last mc I got AF 3 a half weeks after so maybe its normal for me. I just wanted to ask if people experienced fairly heavy periods after miscarrying? I have read its pretty normal.

Mine is fairly heavy - well heavier than usual, I have pretty light periods usually so its different for me, i have also been passing a few clots, one when i went to the loo a moment ago was quite large and I could 'feel' it coming out (sorry tmi)? I am assuming this is all pretty normal? Cant recall having clots last time, but then I had a ERPC after that mc so maybe its different.

so sorry for your loss hun :(

I had a mmc in September and my period didnt appear properly until 10 weeks after all I had was like brown (sorry) like what you get at the end of a period for one or two days on and off. When my period did come properly I dont think it was heavy as such but the pain and cramps beforehand were horrible and the couple periods I have had since that proper first one about two weeks before it arrives the pains are far worse than what I ever had

I would maybe check with doc as I had clots fairly big also in the few days after i had medical management for the mmc they said it was normal and could happen for up to 3 weeks I thinik afterwards

big hugs xx
Sorry for your loss :( I had a medical management of a mmc on 1st Feb, af arrived pretty much bang on 4 weeks later, was fairly normal in terms of flow and length but I did have some very small clots or streaky bits (sorry for tmi!) But the next af arrived 19 days later and was pretty much very very light spotting.
If you're experience clots that you can feel coming out I would defo seek advice from your docs, I'm assuming you mc naturally with ERPC or medical management?
Sorry to hear about your mc.
I had a mmc with medical management in Dec and my 2 periods after that before i fell pregnant again were quite a bit heavier than before the mc, i remember having to change pads every 2 hours for first 2 days then would have 2 days lighter.
Before mc i used to have 4-5 days of moderate bleeding x
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Thanks ladies, I spoke to the nurse at the epu who said heavier bleeding/clots are normal in af after having a mc, I think she was more concerned I had got AF so soon and she wanted to make sure it was AF and not bleeding again, which I know its not as mc bleeding had stopped, most defo AF!

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