finishing college


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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hi all...

after school i worked for 2 years but then went back to college in september...
ive finished my first year, and i already know ive passed the first year because i got distinctions in all my coursework..

i go back at the end of august and we break up at the end of the year at the end of may..
but my baby is due at the end of january. thing is, i know im gonna have to stay off when the babys born etc, but i really want to finish the year and do the best i can.

but, how soon do u think too soon is to go back?
no problem with childcare... i still live at home so my mums going to hae it when i go back, but id like to go back as soon as possible so i dont miss too much.
but im worried what people will think if i go back to college soon after the birth.

how soon do u think too soon is?
couple of months?
i really want to pass next year because i also really want to go back to work when the times right, and having the qualifications will also help.

i know its early but ive been thinking and i really dont want to miss much time off college..
i know the babys more important etc, i just wanted to know what people think of someone gong back to college so soon after giving birth..

sorry its so long! :D
can you defur for a year? im having same ideas kim.. im supposed to be going to uni in september for 2 years.. and its about 30 miles/40 miles from home..not sure if i wanna go bk at all ur course full/parttime?
well im doing travel and tourism, but also ecdl and spanish..
when ig o back in august, im going to drop the ecdl and spanish and just concentrate on my travel because thats what ive already passed the first year in.
if i left it this year and went back next, i would have to start from the beginning again so im hoping to get it all crammed in this year, and then next year when the babys about 6 months old i want to go back to work
well i know someone who gave birth and went back to work the next week so i guess it all depends on you. i would say see how you feel after the birth because i wouldnt have wanted to go back soon :hug: :hug:
can u not talk to your tutors about preparing stuff for u to do at home ? just o cover a couple of months . guessing when u get to something 35 - 40 weeks you'll ahve zero cooncentration :rotfl: so u got to think of the before too
well.. normal colleges break up for xmas around the 20th dec..and go back around the 5th of jan.. so say u didnt go back after xmas.. and had work at home or went back say... every monday or friday or whatever just to get u worked marked and catch up in stuff? then once you have the baby see how you might enjoy going bk, i went bk when charlotte was 18 monhts and loved it.. but b4 that i think i had to much nappy brain..the more im thinking the more i dont want to go bk..i want to enjoy every day being anew mummy.. they dont stay babied for long.. way i look at it.. i can go bk when the baby is a bit older. :)
I think you should keep an open mind, I know that when Kate was born I didnt know which way was up for the first month or two! I know what you mean about getting the course out the way, I think you might find it hard though being girlfriend/mum/student etc etc. Becoming a mum is really overwhelming and I dont think any amount of preparation can truly prepare you for it. Its wonderful but hard work and you may find its all too much if you go back soon afterwards and try to do too much too soon. Why dont you make plans to go back and then see how you feel when the time comes? And as for what other people think, who cares?! Its you and your baba that matter, not anyone else. I am sure you will do whats right for you at the end if the day. Good luck! :hug:

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