Finished my birth plan!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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i have a feeling i've blabbed on a bit much on it haha :lol: but i wanted everything on it otherwise i'll prolly get all nervous and worry something will go wrong!
what do you all think?
can anyone see anything i might have missed?

thanks girlies :D

My Birth Plan
Name: Rachel-Dee Atkins ( you can call me Rach if you like!)
Emergency Contact Numbers: Carolyn Atkins (Mother) - ***********
Rebecca Atkins (Sister) - ***********
Home - ***********

My baby’s estimated due date is the 25th of May 2010 and this is my first pregnancy.
I am expecting a girl.
I would like a home -from -home room and to be able to use a birthing pool if available.
I would like to be able to eat and drink during my labour to keep my energy levels up if possible.

Birth Companion
I would like my mother to be my main birthing partner and i would like her with me as much as possible.
I also would like my sister be able to fill in for my mum if she is not able to be with me.
FOB to be with me at all times too if he attends the birth.

Positions for Labour and Birth
During my labour i would like to be as mobile as possible, keeping active at all times.
I would like the freedom to be able to change positions also using a birthing ball, bean bag or stool.
For birth I would like to be able to use the bed to go on all fours, lean over the side or to kneel.

I would like to be allowed to choose my position for birth depending on how I feel at the time.

Pain Relief
I would like my birth to be as natural as possible, using gas and air as pain relief.
I would also like to use a birthing pool to help me relieve pain during labour.
I would prefer
not to have an epidural at all, however if my labour is prolonged and I am tiring then I may reconsider (only consider this as a last resort).

After the Birth
As soon as baby is born i would like skin to skin contact, i do not mind if the baby is cleaned before hand or not.
I would like FOB to cut the cord if he wishes.
I am happy for my baby to receive vitamin K by injection, i would like her to be with me when she is given this.
If my baby needs to be taken away for medical treatment I would like my mother or FOB to accompany her.

Delivery of the Placenta
I am happy to have the injection to speed up the delivery of the placenta.
I do not mind if i see the placenta or not.

Feeding the Baby
I would like to breastfeed my daughter once she is born, skin to skin to encourage this.
I would also like support in breastfeeding her properly for the first few times.

Unexpected Situations
I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless it is looking likely I will suffer a bad tear..
I would like to avoid having an assisted delivery or cesarean unless baby is in distress and it is absolutely necessary.
I would like my mother or FOB to remain present if I need an assisted delivery or cesarean.
Also if my baby needs to be taken away for medical treatment I would like my mother or FOB to accompany her.

I do not mind having a student midwife with me during my labour and birth but i would prefer not to have a large group present.
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Oh wow, that looks very comprehensive!! Only thing I wondered if you had considered TENS as pain relief in the early stages?
hahah, thank you megsmedow!
i have and it sounds like a good idea, i have had people saying it's really good at the start of labour but i'm not sure if my hospital provides them, i'll ask on thursday when i'm at my antenatal class :D
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I think they can be in short supply :( I'll be asking to borrow one from about 37 weeks from the physio for SPD pain relief and hopefully they will let me keep it til after the birth :) Right, I'm going to have a bash at mine this afternoon!!
oh awesome!
if i can't get one at the hospital might be worth looking at mothercare to hire one :)
Ooooh well done you! x lol x Sounds lovely x
thats a really well laid out birth plan :yay:
sounds good to me. very clear about what you want which i think is great! not long now. x
i have total peace of mind now after know i have everything on it, i think i would panic if i didn't have any guidelines for the midwives even though i know they deal with first time mothers all the time and things hahah!
i'm such a worry wart :lol:
I think thats a great birth plan, you have thought it out really well! xxx
thank you hahah, took me an age to write it out!
I just finished mine too!!
Mines very similar to yours the only difference being i have said i don't want any students in the room lol
Very good plans ladies, seems like you have covered all bases there! Might be using your layout for mine, very well thought out x
I just finished mine too!!
Mines very similar to yours the only difference being i have said i don't want any students in the room lol
ahhh, yeah i suppose i feel a bit more confident if i know someone's in the room that at least knows the basics
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Thats a brilliant birth plan honey, you've given me lots of ideas - i had no clue where to start, but want pretty much the same as you, natural as possible unless baby in distress etc. I can't think of anything you've missed. I have a question though, and it may be me being blonde but what's a vitamin k injection and what does the baby need it for?

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