finger food help!


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Finn loves having his finger food but I am soooooo worried about him choking on his food. It terrifies me when he gets a little stuck in his throat. anyone else feel like this or am I just being ridiculous? I think maybe I'm not giving him enough finger foods due to my phobia... grateful for any advice!!!
i can fully understand where you are coming from.
Theres nothing you can do though - they have to learn.
All i can suggest is that you maybe just try and offer him very small size things and if you chop things up chop them into smallish bits.
Make sure he doesn't cram loads in either :lol: one of mine used to do that and it freaked me out
tha's exactly what he does... fills his mouth right up and fights me when I try to slow him down!
:rotfl: little monkey

give him one piece of food at ta time and make sure hes finished his mouthful before offering him another :lol:
maybe it's because he thinks I'm going to take it away from him so he thinks he has to cram it all in?!?!
yes maybe so :rotfl:

i call the 7 - 2 year stage the cave child stage. they are very much learning social skill and cramming food in must be part of the learning process :lol:
Im so worried aswell about giving her finger foods, I gave her a rusk as they dissolve really easily. Im going to try some cucumber but I will be watching her like a hawk :shock: :shock: :shock:
Take the skin off the cucumber, it gets stuck in olivers mouth even now!

yes i get scared too but if they dont do it they will not learn!

When he first started eating toast i would let him chew it all up get it soft and then i would pull it out of his mouth!!!! Stupid mum!! he has done all that work getting it soft and i pull it out!!! :rotfl:

Keely that is so the kind of thing I do... just CAN'T help myself... for gods sake I've got to toughen up especially now I have a little boy!!!!

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